vendredi 27 février 2015

CX600 stops working, power-ups-briefly issue

I have been using my CX600 on my Asus P7P55D-E LX mobo since 2011. Last night my PC just died. It's the usual "power-ups-briefly" issue, like in my case it's shorter - 1 or 2 seconds.

So I did the paper clip test but I didn't remove PSU from the case. I did remove most of the pins though, especially the ones in mobo. Nothing.

The stand-by LED in my mobo still lights up so I'm sure there's still power.

What's weird though is that when I move the 24-pin plug, it powers up a lil longer, 3-4 or even 5 seconds but dies again.

I will call Corsair tom but I will appreciate if anyone could give me some insights on my predicament. Could it be the mobo this time since there's still the "brief power up" moment or is this a classic PSU retirement symptoms?

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