mardi 31 mars 2015

Wie Standard-Profil bei K50 einstellen?


bisher habe ich lediglich den Hardware-Modus genutzt. Soweit funktionert alles ganz gut.

Da es viele Games zurzeit sind, möchte ich gerne wie bei meine Logitech den Software-Modus nutzen.

Habe insgesamt 3 Profile. Eins davon ist für Office. Wenn ich nun ein Spiel starte, schaltet die Corsair-Software richtig um. D. h. abhängig vom Spiel, öffnet sich das richtige Profil.

Problem ist nur, wenn ich das Spiel schließe, bleibt dieser Profil offen. Ich muss jedesmal in der Software reingehen, um manuell den "Office"-Profil zu aktivieren. Es besteht leider nicht die Möglichkeit, dort ein Standard-Profil einzustellen.

Das halte ich nicht besonders für userfreundlich. Man bietet diese Komfort-Option an, um den User Arbeit zu nehmen (automatische Profil-Umschaltung) und nach dem Spielen muss er jedesmal nochmal die Software öffnen, um erneut in den Office-Modus (oder Standard-Modus) zu kommen. Wo soll da der Sinn liegen?

Logitech bietet diese Option und alles läuft einwandfrei und komfortabel.

Habe schon versucht mit dem Office-Profil als Anwendung "explorer.exe". Geht auch nicht. Es bleibt immer der Profil des zuletzt gespielten Spiels offen.

Hat da einer das schon mal festgestellt und eine Lösung dafür? Für mich sieht es danach aus, dass die Entwickler der Software hier nicht zu Ende gedacht haben...

Wäre für Hilfe sehr dankbar. Sonst ist das eine klasse Tastatur, bin zufrieden damit :biggrin:

750D Bottom-Front Filter?

I know this case has 2 filters, one located behind the removable front panel and then the one located at the bottom-rear of the case where the PSU is located...but nothing up front for the 2 120mm fan locations? Seems kindve odd. Those two front fans would pull in more air than a single fan that the PSU uses which would make sense to filter that air.

Corsair Vengeance 2000's Falling Apart :(

Hey everyone

I've had a set of Corsair Vengeance 2000's for over two years now. I've been very careful with them, but even so, they've cracked, a bit of them has broken off around the screw hole on the left side, and the right side has a crack as well. They still work ok, but it seems to be, especially after reading other posts here, that the build quality of this headset isn't very good at all :( What's even worse is that I am just out of the warranty period so I can't get them replaced. I'm most concerned that they're going to fall apart more than they are. Are they likely to break further? Am I best off just buying a new headset? I've really enjoyed using the 2000's and I'm pretty disappointed that a headset costing me over £100 can break so easily.

Thanks for reading.


PC Domination - 2015

Hello everyone!

I am wondering if there is going to bo another PC Domination this year?

Last year I was too late for it. :biggrin:

K70 RGB Summit1G (Holiday Giveaway Profile)

Back in December I was asked to create four profiles for Corsairs Holiday Giveaway Competition. This is one for the popular streamer/counter-strike player Summit1G. Based on a few ideas he'd pitched to Corsair, this is what I came up with.

Includes T and CT modes for CS:GO as well as script macros on the numpad. (Requires the Dev Console to be enabled).


Download Link:

Since the latest update .prf's now include all my devices (K70, Sabre, M65) in the same file.

Attached Files

File Type: prf Summit1G.prf (207.0 KB)

250D + H100i Fandirections


completely new to the forum and my last built is years ago so apologies for the noob question.

I'm just waiting for my parts to arrive and I was wondering what Corsair recommends when it comes to fan direction in the 250D.

Should the 2 fans on the radiator of the H100i:

push air in / pull air in?

push air out / pull air out?

Thanks in advance,


H2100 hear myself and loud buzzing noise

I've had problems with this headset ever since i got it. I can both hear myself loudly and hear a loud buzzing noise. Both when charging and not charging the headset.

Is there ANY way to mute the mic so i wont constantly hear everything around me. The mic picks up every sound in the house + neighbors. Even my breathing is very annoying to listen to. And the buzzing noise. It's unbearable.

My charging cable broke so i got sent a new headset, both have had the same problems. So i doubt it's something wrong with the actual headset.

Things I've tried:

Disabled and enabled "listen to this device"

Disabled and enabled Microphone check in the software (version 2.0.35)

Disabled the mic in "recording devices" and the buzzing disappeared

If there's any logic here... The "Microphone check" option is there for a reason right? To check the mic? the volume, how it sounds etc... so if there's any reason and logic here the mic should be ALWAYS on. Right? I've heard people say "there's nothing you can do". But to me that makes absolutely no sense what so ever. Just because of the feature you have in the software. Am i wrong to think that?

Any help from anyone would be greatly appreciated.

If any other information is needed I will do my best to provide it.