lundi 30 juin 2014

CPU Overheating - H110 Running Fine

Having a problem with the CPU overheating running an H110 cooling system. After 2-3 minutes of idling the CPU hits 90 deg C and shuts down. This started out of the blue with no warning. It was idle in Windows and just overheated and shut down.

The fan speeds and temp of the cooling unit are good. Circulation seems fine through the tubing and the radiator is ice cold. It is showing the pump spinning at an average of 8k rpm but temps keep climbing to 90 deg c and it shuts down.

System specs are in my profile and it is about a year old. I would appreciate any help you could give me.

Edit: The system isn't OC'd and never has been.

Corsair Link No CPU Temp

Hi together,

after login in as administrator Corsair Link shows all tempertures

if i login as normal user i get all temps except the cpu temp.

how can i configure that?

Corsair Link Version 2.4.5110

by, klausjulius

Overclocking Haswell or Devils Canyon? This is the place for you!

HackmanSD here, thought it might be a good idea to start this thread not only for users to get bragging rights, but to actually show what got you there.

Showcase any and all benchmark result screen shots you want, just be sure to list the following:

CPU/Motherboard/Memory used

Bios setting you feel helped reach that awesome score(screen shots work best)

GPU(s) used if running Graphics Benchmarks

Batch number(Optional) if running Devils Canyon

A Shot of your system

I'll get the ball rolling with a clients i7-4790K@4.9. These are before the water cooling.


Asus Maximus VI Extreme

16GBs Corsair Vengeance DDR3-2400(Red)

Asus DC 2 780 Ti 3GB

Bios Screen shots:

Oh and turning off the iGPU actually knocked off about 3-4 degrees during testing.

Thermal Paste Question For Installing H80i

I am getting ready to install the Corsair H80i tonight. The H80i comes with a thin layer of thermal paste already pre-applied on it. Should I also applya thin layer of thermal paste on the CPU or is what comes pre-applied on the H80i enough or adequate? Any help on this would be appreciated. I want to get this installed tonight.

Thank you!!

An SSD in Your Pocket: Introducing the Flash Voyager GTX

Need a portable SSD without the bother of having to carry around a 2.5" enclosure and cable? The Flash Voyager GTX brings all the performance of an SSD with none of the bulk.




Product request.

Know those cool acrylic water blocks you never get to see because the GPU is upside down in the bottom of the case? Well, the 250D has a horizontal motherboard with the GPU right next to a vent. If you're water cooling all the vent does is make the case uglier, but it would be a fantastic place to show off your sweet acrylic water block if there was a window there instead.

I noticed some of the other cases have side panels for sale and I think it would be a great idea to let me spend my money on buying a windowed side panel from Corsair instead of spending it on a jigsaw to do it myself and probably not get as good of a result.


Dear Corsair Team,

approx. 8 month ago I was thrilled to see the Corsair K95 RGB and M65 RBG with 18Mio color background. Last week I decided to buy a new keyboard and mouse. I went ahead and looked them up on the internet. Since I was very pleased with the quality of yours I looked up the K95 and also asked for it in the shop where I finally bought it. On your german site it says something like "K95 adjustable backlights => yes", so i thought this is the product I was looking for. In the shop I asked specifically for the K95 and adjustable backlights. I ended up buying the regular K95 and M65, not K95 RBG and M65 RGB. Those products are of no use to me since I will need the adjustable backlight color with 18Mio colors to work with photoshop, premiere etc. and I also wanted full transparency with the switches to light up the whole key.

I returned the product within the same day, hoping for refund. Because I bought those products directly within the shop, they could refuse to refund the money. I just have to hope for the best now.

So, I as well think that your product site is slightly misleading consumers. You should updated your product line up on your site as soon as possible and outline the difference and availability of RGB and non RGB items.

memory timings


I have recently purchased 8gb denominator platinum CMD8GX3M2A2133C9

Now I'm thinking I should have got the CMD8GX3M2A2133C8. Is there a noticeable speed difference between the two. I am planning to use it with a z97 chipset motherboard and a core i7 4790k 4ghz. Will i be abe to get 2133 mhz with the core i7 or just 1600

In which case the CMD8GX3M2A21600C7 would be better.

H80i : changing fan speeds makes no difference

Hello !

I am currently benchmarking my processor to see what temperatures I get with the H80i. I also downloaded and now use Corsair Link, it is useful because you can monitor your cooler so as the computer was running different stress tests, I tried to see if the fan speeds would change anything.

I switched between the different modes and it looked like the temperatures didn't change at all (only 1 or 2 °C).

Running different tests with Prime95 (room I think between 25 and 27°C), the indicated temperatures are the ones from the coldest and hottest core.

Idle : 30 - 33°C

Blend (100% load, memory focused) : 52 - 57°C

Small FFT (100% load, maximum heat) : 78 - 81°C

Changing fan speeds (between 1000 and 2500 RPM) doesn't change that much things, also not as I would have expected. Is it normal ?

Thanking you in advance,


NEW Corsair GS came with 5.40 firmware!

Hi to all,

I have previously 3 Corsair 128GB SSD from GS serie. Three of them were 5.24. The fourth one came with 5.40!

How can I backup my NEW firmware and flash it to other 3 with 5.24 firmware?

I will put the new firmware to forum, if I can wrap it out! :laughing:

They all are connected to Rocket Raid 2710 controller now.

Read speed 1,6GB and Write speed 1,0GB according to the latest Sisoft Sandra...

H60 problem

Hi everyone,

Like 7 months ago I purchased a H60 water system cooler.

It worked fine, no issues at all, but like, 3 day ago, it started to refrigerate really bad.

I get 60/70 cº all the time, and the cooler spins like hell.

I tried to change to the old cooling system ( the standart air cooling for amd fx 8120) and the temperature stabilized.

Today I tried to put again the H60, and i get 90cº! my pc turns off and Adios.

I dont know the reason of the problem, because this never happend.

Some help? please..

PD: Sorry for my painful English..

Is this possible with Corsair Link?

I am building a new PC and am using the Corsair H100i Cooler and Corsair Dominator Platinum CMD16GX3M2A2133C9 memory, both have Corsair Link sockets, is there a cable I can purchase that will plug into the memory and then into the H100i so that the Memory will show up in Corsair Link Software?

Is this even possible?


Memory Upgrade

I am looking to do a memory upgrade on my laptop.

But I could not find this on the drop down menus for the memory selector.

I assume Corsair does have something that will fit though.

My laptop is a Sony Vaio VPCF2390X.

It currently has 6GB of ram in it.

Also, is it possible to put an SSD in it??

Any help is appreciated!!

Corsair Vengeance 1500V2 Mikrofon rauscht

Hey liebes Forum Team und liebe Forum User,

ich habe ein Problem mit meinem heute erst neu gekauftem Corsair Headset was mich wirklich ein wenig nervt und teilweise auch frustriert.

Mir ist leider mein Altes Corsair Vengeance 1500 kaputt gegangen, ich war so sehr von diesem Headset überzeugt da ich mir auf jeden Fall das selbe kaufen wollte da dieses guten Sound und ein wirklich Klasse Mikrofon hatten !

Im Ts waren die ersten Reaktionen "Wow hast du ein Tonstudio ?"

Nun habe ich mir weil ja mein altes kaputt gegangen ist ein neues Gekauft, die neue 1500 Version die ebenfalls wunderbar verarbeitet ist. Der Sound ist wirklich grandios es gibt an dem 7.1 Sourundsound nichts zu bemängeln.

Doch wurde ich darauf aufmerksam gemacht das mein Mikrofon wohl rauscht, im Ts wohl eher leise aber doch auffallend, doch in meinem Livestream (Twitch) war das Rauschen so laut das es schon wirklich störte.

Ich kann mir nicht erklären warum es nun mit dem neuem so rauscht und bei dem anderem einwandfrei funktionierte was mich ein wenig zu Weißglut bringt...

Den Treiber zu installieren bringt gar nichts, ich kann mich nur noch selber hören was nervt und das Rauschen ist wie zuvor vorhanden.

Was mich jetzt frustriert und sauer macht ist warum zum Teufel es mit dem Vorgänger Produkt besser geklappt hat und ich mich angehört habe als wäre ich in einem Tonstudio als mit einer neuen Version des Produkts :rant2: :brick:

Vielleicht ist es ja alles einfach eine Einstellungssache, doch musste ich mit dem Vorigem Headset auch nichts anderes machen als denn USB Stick einzukapseln und loszulegen. Bei V2 ... keine Ahnung.

Ich hatte glaube sogar vorher noch eine irgendwas Version für den Rechner Installieren müssen, irgendwas war da doch bin ich mir nicht sicher da es schon ein Weilchen her ist. :sigh!:

Ich hoffe das mir jemand oder das Team helfen kann damit ich mein tolles "Tonstudio" zurückbekomme :roll:

Gruß Gohli !

SP2500 Remote Problem


Just set the system up, when turning on the remote the display initially shows the Corsair logo and firmware version. Didn't even manage to get the 'initial' setup.

It then cycles through various colors, and the whole system has been unresponsive.

Thanks and appreciate any help!

h80i LED setzt sich jedes Mal zurück

Hi liebe Community,

mein Problem ist folgendes. Jedes Mal wenn ich meinen PC neu starte muss ich meine LED Einstellungen neu einstellen, obwohl die profileinstellungen alle so sind wie ich sie eingestellt hatte. Aber er lädt sie iwie nicht. In den Einstellungen ist mein pulsierendes Grün eingestellt, aber wenn ich die LED anschaue blinkt sie in allen Farben, bis ich wieder manuell umstelle. Benutze die Corsair Link Version, da Win 8.1.

DAS NERVT! :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

Bitte um Hilfe

Y-Shaped SATA Cables?

The SATA connectors on the SATA cables for my CS450M are placed one below the other, which is typical. However, in my OEM (Dell) case, the hard drives are placed side-by-side. What I really need is a SATA cable in the shape of a Y, with one SATA connector on each 'arm' of the Y. Does Corsair make such a cable?

psu stops working suddenly...

Since some days m facing a problem with my psu...when i turned the system cpu fans spins a little then stops..then nothing happen...system power switch not work..until i remove and replug the power cable...some time its works fine but system shuts off suddenly after 2-3 min without showing any error..i also checked my psu on my frnds computer ...same trouble continues...what should i do..

RAM gone bad again?

Hi All

This is my first post and was hoping someone could weigh in on a memory issue I'm having.

My system has been running for almost 2 years now with no problems but over the last couple of months I've had a problems with booting. The problem was when booting I would get stuck in a POST cycle for 3 or more times before finally booting successfully. Restarting the machine would often result in a shutdown and continued POST cycle again. After running Memtest I found 50+ errors so I believed this to be the cause.

Corsair were very helpful in assisting me with an RMA, I have x2 memory kits for a total of 64GB's RAM and they asked me to send both back which I did.

After receiving two replacement kits everything ran fine for a short while and no obvious problems but then I turned the machine on one morning and POST failed 3 times. I ran memtest again and after a single run I found 2 errors.

Is this just down to bad luck or is there something else that can be causing this problem?

My CPU is moderately overclocked to 4.2GHz, RAM is running at correct timings and voltages at 1.5v and is set to rated speed of 1600MHz.

PSU has been tested and works fine.

Sorry for the long post but I'm baffled and could use some help.

Thanks in advance.

H100i Pump RPMs

I just got the H100i cooler and Corsair link working properly (I think) and the pump stays at a steady 2248 RPM no matter what mode I am on (Performance, Balanced, Quiet), Is this normal?

The fans change RPM.

H105 Backplate kaputt

Hi Leute,

Ich habe eine Frage, und zwar ist bei meiner brandneuen H105 die Backplate nicht richtig montierbar.

Eine Schraube dreht immer durch.

Die Frage ist jetzt, kann man da auch eine Alternative benutzen, oder passt da nur die Originale?

Habe schon den Support per Email kontaktiert, aber noch nichts zurück bekommen.

Bin für jede Hilfe dankbar, aufdass mein neuer PC bald benutzt werden kann.

dimanche 29 juin 2014

Can I do this?

I am building a new PC and am using the Corsair H100i Cooler and Corsair Dominator Platinum CMD16GX3M2A2133C9 memory which has Corsair Link sockets, is there a cable I can purchase that will plug into the memory and then to the H100i so that the Memory will show up in Corsair Link Software?

Is this even possible?


CMD16GX3M2A2133C9 Memory Question

I am building a new PC and purchased Corsair Dominator Platinum CMD16GX3M2A2133C9 16Gb Memory for my Asus Sabertooth Z97 MB.

First, how come I cant find this memory on the Corsair Web Site?

Second, I was told that this was 2133 Mhz memory but it only seems to run at 1333 Mhz on my Motherboard, did I buy the right memory?

The Asus site has this memory listed as compatible with this MB.


Some suggestions for Corsair

Hi. I am new to this forum. I have just bough my first liquid cooling system for my PC, Hydro Series H80i. I am satisfied with my purchase and these are my first impressions about the product and the software to control it.

In a nutshell I would say that it is a great product concept, not so well implemented.

About Corsair Link

The concept is fantastic. A control center from which you can read all temperatures and control all cooling and lighting devices (fans, pumps, leds) in your PC. The graphical design is really awesome. However:

1.- Software soundness and reliability has a significant margin for improvement. Just read the posts in this section. Sensors appear and disappear without a reason, incorrect readings, crashes, incompatibility with other monitoring software, etc.

2.- The logic architecture is extremely rigid. Users should be allowed to create or delete their own groups (not necessarily one group per sensor), and arrange all sensors, fans and leds in whatever manner they wish. :idea: A good idea would also be the possibility to create user defined "virtual" sensors by averaging the actual readings from other hardware sensors.Also the user should be able to create whatever logic to control the devices, maybe with some safety boundaries not to damage certain hardware.

3.- A lot of sensors missing. A popular monitoring software is recognizing in my PC a total of 25 different temps. CL shows just 10, 2 of which are unusable (0ºC and 1ºC permanently).

4.- The software should be able to control ALL fans (as far as they are 4-pin PWM), including GPU, independently if they are connected to the H80i pump or not. Otherwise it will never be the complete thing.

About the H80i cooler

Very good design, compact and very efficient. Does its job very well. However:

1.- The connectors (all connectors) to the pump should be inserted vertically, not horizontally as they are really difficult to see and insert in the right location once the pump is in place.

2.- The idea to use a proprietary "Y" cable to connect fans is not a good idea. It is a type of cable really difficult to locate (still looking for a spare one). Why not include some extra 4pin PWM sockets in the pump straight away?

3.- The pump should also have additional sockets to connect led stripes, without the need to purchase an additional device (the pump should act as a Link hardware control center).

Thanks for keeping this forum up and running. :biggrin:

Retail SP120 PWM HP Dont Run at 2350RPM on H100i

Im just a little curious. About a month ago, I ordered the regular, non PWM SP120 High performance fans. Without the voltage regulator, they ran ~1600-2350RPM on my H100i. But when I returned them for the PWM versions, they only run at a max of 2050RPM

I currently have 4 SP120 PWM HP fans connected via H100i fan splitters for Push Pull in my 750D. How come they don't go above 2050, when they are rated at 2350RPM?

How to mount fans on top of H100i for exhaust

Hello there. I just bought a new rig and have been setting it up this afternoon when I ran into a slight problem. I bought a 750d with a h100i corsair cooling system which both are great but I the snag I hit was when I attempted to mount the fans on top of the radiator in a pull formation so as to exhaust through the top of the computer. For the life of me, I can not figure out the easiest way to screw in the fans and radiator attached to the top of the case. Its very awkward to screw in the fan to the radiator while balancing it and would like to know if I am just dumb and have been doing it the wrong way.. Any tips on how to properly align and secure fans on top of the radiator so they can pull air from inside the case through the rad and then out the top?


AX760 really annoying harmonics

Hi, recently put together a new PC Build, thought I'd splash out on high quality PSU so went with the AX760.

I had hoped it would be ultra quiet, and I'm using very quiet case fans so didn't want any whine, but there's a problem.

We're not even talking super high frequency here either, its a few harmonics but the one that really sticks out to my ears is a 1khz tone. Once my brains latched onto it it drives me a bit crazy, and that sine wave just seems to travel through everything.

Here's a couple recordings I made using a field recorder, placed right up against the PSU grill. One is the AX760, the other is a much older NesteQ PSU I have in my other PC, no mid-range harmonic issues whatsoever:

Here's the frequency plot for both (with 4db/oct slope):

Is this considered normal for an AX760? Is that the price for high efficiency, if so should I get a gold or bronze certified one instead? Is it even likely this noise will reduce over time or get worse?

I'm concerned if I RMA it i'll just get another one with whiney noises.

I should also state that I dont think this is a bios issue as it makes this noise even when the PC is off, just mains supplying power to the PSU, with the little red power symbal lit on the motherboard (but not actually running).

Windows running or not, the harmonics are still there same level and I dont really want to run my case fans super loud to try and drown the sound it, kinda defeats the point of building a quiet PC :/

Why is the Obsidian 550D not supporting 1150 CPUs?

I was looking to save the link for the Corsair Obsidian 500D, but I saw that it wasn't compatible with 1150 CPUs. Why is that so; can any owner of the 550D explain? Is it possible to bypass that?



8x SP120 connector questions

Hello there I wanted to surprise my son with a new computer and I recently purchased a corsair 900D. I bought 4 Corsair sp120 fans to replace the 3 stock fans in the front and the 4th for the top. I thought the fans had a 3 pin connector and so I am not sure what type of splitter or fan controller I can purchase to connect the fans to the PSU or motherboard. Also the cables are rather short on the fans.

My computer building skills are limited so if anyone can help me I would be so thankful!

H100i Issues

Hi Everyone,

I recently purchased a H100i cooler, and first off the fans defaulted to being very fast and loud. I installed the corsair link software downloaded from the product page, but it didn't detect the cooler and I wasn't able to control the fan speed.

I then tried the USB cable in the header port where my front of panel USB cable was plugged in and it then detected the fans properly and I could control the speed etc and everything was fine.

But now when I restart it again doesn't detect the h100i although it does seem to remember the fan speed settings and LED light etc...

Sometimes unplugging the USB header and plugging it back in works but not always.

I've tried using the updated corsair link beta software but that seemed to make things work, showing strange number of devices on the left hand side of the program.

I am running Windows 8.1 - I'm not sure how to show the firmware version if it's not detected?


What is the best RAM with the lowest power usage?

Hello, I'm currently looking for some nice RAM for a new build I'm going to do, because my current rig is the old PC from my sister (my old one fried) that can't even play some basic games like Minecraft.

The question is simple; What is the best Corsair RAM stick (package) that has the lowest power usage?

P.S; I want specially Corsair memory because I'm a fanboy of their products.

High load temperatures with h100i and 4790k

Hi there,

I just got a 4790k and a h100i to keep everything cool (lucky me!) I installed both and got reasonable idle temps of around 30, but using prime temps went up into the high 80s. I stopped at that point. I thought it might be a mounting issue so tightened up the backplate with some o rings and applied some mx4. This has made no difference. I've tried stock fans, noctuas, push and pull but the temperatures still skyrocket in prime. Using the CPU stress test went straight up to high 90s. Yikes!

Processor is running at stock speed. Memory is running it's xmp profile.

I'm at a loss as to what else to do. Fans are running fine and nothing appears to be working wrongly.

Does anyone have any advice. Could it be a dodgy pump?

Corsair Raptor M30 problems.


This is my 1st post here so, hi everyone!

I have no idea where to find the files for my Corsair mouse, I have tried looking around on my PC, internet, everywhere.

If someone could tell me where it is located I would be very grateful!

Also, I have been having problems where my mouse also doesn't funtion properly on my Steelseries QcK mouse pad, I was round at a friends earlier and it worked FINE on his, but doesn't work on mine. This only started to happen on Friday, if someone could help me here I would be ever so grateful.


On the website I don't see any downloads for drivers, firmware etc.

I also can't find my mouse within the control panel, is it not named "Corsair Raptor M30"?

Anyway, any help is much appreciated!


- Josh.

I have H100i got some new fans

Hi everybody here. I have had the H100i for awhile now I had the basic fans that came with it. I was looking up on youtube and saw that the basic fans wherent really good and made some noise so i had switched and bought these.

Only 1 problem they where only 3pin and i just saw i got the wrong ones. So i just plugged them in to three of the pins on the water cooler instead of four. I would like to know if this is a problem or not. I see one core on my cpu at 37c the rest are at 33 32 34. although the first one jumps up and last one jumps up t0 38. is this normal. Also i will be switching again for the right ones

Not going to make that mistake again was trying to save some money:bigeyes:

Corsair H80i keine Pumpenanzeige

Guten Abend

Ich habe seit gestern ein Problem mit meiner H80i Kühlung.

Gestern haben die Lüfter ohne ersichtliche Belastung durch den Prozessor hochgedreht. Bei der Prüfung der Temperaturen habe ich festgestellt, dass die Prozessortemperatur über 80C lag. Im Corsair Linksystem habe ich zwar die Lüfterdrehzahl sowie LED Farbe gesehen. Konnte sie auch ändern. Die Pumpe wird aber nicht (mehr) angezeigt.

Sicherheitshalber habe ich den PC heruntergefahren. Heute habe ich mich in Ruhe mit dem Problem befasst. Als ersten Schritt habe ich Corsairlink neu Installiert, die Pumpe wurde wieder nicht erkannt (Lüfter sind Regelbar). Zu den Temperaturen kann ich folgendes sagen (direkt nach dem Aufstarten, ohne Last):

Prozessortemparatur: 73.5C (Prozessorauslastung 5-10%)

H80i Temperatur: 63.3C

Kann mir jemad sagen wo das Problem liegt? Der USB-Anschluss ans Mainbord scheinen in Ordnung zu sein, da die Lüfter und LED-Anzeige eingestellt werden kann. Dass Mainbord gibt die Pumpendrehzahl mit 0 an (CPU FAN). Ich vermute ein Problem mit der Pumpe, da die Temperatur nicht stimmt und ich keinerlei Anzeigen bekomme.

Kann mir jemand einen Tipp geben, mache ich etwas falsch? Die Pumpe war zuvor ein halbes Jahr im Einsatz, mit guten Ergebnissen. Ist die Pumpe defekt?

Freundliche Grüsse und besten Dank


Couple of questions on which fans I should get?

So I'm going to Fry's and Microcenter this Thursday. My case is the 750D (ordered yesterday) and I still need to decide which fans (AF or SP) I need to get for the 750D intake and if I should get the 3 or 4 pin version of the SP fans?

Why does not my Corsair AX powersupplies boot Rampage 4 MB??


I ve my build posting error code B1 on my Rampage 4 Formula. Inward the motherboard for RMA and got it back with no issues on the board, but a possible power supply defect. Hence sent the Corsair AX750 for RMA, and the corsair guys were kind enough to send me back AX760i in return. Meanwhile, I also purchased a corsair VS650 before I received the RMAed AX760i and it worked perfectly. Now with the big grin on my face I plugged in the AX760i and it showed up the same B1 code with no display. Could it be possible that both the AX power supplies has the same problem?

My Spec :

i7 4930k, Rampage 4 Formula, 4X4 - 16gb G.Skilll memory, Asus DC2 780 and a couple of ssds

Meanwhile I pluged in the AX760i in to the other Asus maximus IV PC I have and it works perfectly. Now I am clueless.. what am I doing wrong??:(::(:

P.S. : This build worked perfectly for almost six months until a month back.

i have a open RMA but my question is more about return postage

i have a h60 which is faulty i was looking at the advance rma as it is a cooler and i dont want my pc down for a couple of weeks waiting for the part

i understand they need a card to change untill my part turns up at the checking deptment

my question is who pays the return P&P for the broken part.

as it would need to goto NL .. and the postage is 20 pound plus vat from the UK

so i having to pay for a unit that has failed ??

is this correct or do Corsair do a pickup service for the part ??

Why so much hate on Corsair's fans?

I see so many people saying how Corsair's fans are the worst. They always say they're loud and don't blow any air. I think that's a load of BS. What do you guys think of them?

Possible CX500M Problem?

Hey, so 6 months ago I built my PC with a CX500M powering the system.

It's never put a foot wrong until the other day...

I was on Skype to my friend whilst gaming, and my USB headset (Corsair Vengeance 1500) kept disconnecting and reconnecting briefly... then about an hour later my Keyboard (Corsair Raptor K50) totally disconnected, so I changed which USB ports I was using in my motherboard and everything was fine.

Another hour passed and my 2nd Monitor started flickering, but staying switched on, as if the input signal was weak (Possible underpowered GPU), then to top it off, my NZXT LED Case Light Cable was dimming and flickering on and off.

I know it isn't a motherboard problem because the LED Cable is molex straight into the PSU.

What would be my next move? A higher powered PSU or a replacement CX500M?

Lighting Nodes nach FW-update auf 2.65214 defekt


meine beiden Lighting Nodes wurden nach FW-update auf 2.65214 wobei auch die FW der angeschlossenen Nodes, H100i und AX1200i auf Aktualisierungen geprüft wurden nur noch als unbekanntes Gerät erkannt.

Hab dann versucht die LightingFW_1.1.9 manuell aufzuspielen, wurde aber als nicht korrekte Version abgebrochen.....

Hat jemand noch eine Idee, war ja schön mit den LEDs


memory issue with Corsair CMX8GX3M2A1600C9

Hi, recently I bought Corsair kit set 2x4gb memory ram CMX8GX3M2A1600C9. When I put in the ram I unable to boot up the windows. It always stuck in the loading OS, starting windows(without logo) page.

When I switch back to the old 2 x 2gb (value set) ram, same slot, the windows will load with no issue.

Help anyone?

750D parts/accessories?

Hi guys,

I've never built a PC before, but this year I decided to take the leap. It took me quite some time to choose a case, but I finally managed to (after months of going back and forth between case choices) and I've decided on the 750D.

My only issues with the 750D are:

1. The front panel lacking any mesh.

2. Optical drives, etc, looking very out of place on the case.

Now, the second one isn't as much of an issue to me as that's simply for aesthetics, but the first is somewhat of a deal breaker. It's a shame because I really do love the look of this case.

So before I make the plunge and shell out on it for my first build, is there any chance we could see some more parts and accessories available for the 750D? I'm not entirely comfortable with the idea of modding it, and the only other option would be to have a third party mod it, which is pretty pricey in comparison to what a corsair panel would cost.

Even confirmation on whether or not more parts will be release for the case would be great, at least I could buy it knowing the airflow issue would only be temporary.

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Disappointed with K95 keyboard

I live in Singapore and paid $219 SGD for this keyboard. The first one wouldn't even come back on after the PC would come out of sleep mode.

I paid ~$50 to ship to Hong Kong. I can't even begin to understand why I need to ship it to another country. For those not keeping score; I am up to $269 SGD for this keyboard.

Lately, the LED's are dying. One by one. It seems like every couple days another LED dies.

I know someone on here will say "just get an RMA", but the fact is; I want my money back (including what was paid to ship the first defective keyboard to Corsair).

How do I go about getting a refund and get Corsair to pick up the tab to ship this keyboard back?

Is my woofer gone?

I purchased me Corsair SP 2500 speakers in November 2011.

What I didn't realize is my wife accidentally placed the woofer in such a way that its front was completely covered by wall.

As a result am unable to hear any bass effect. Does it mean that the woofers are dead?

The music is clear, while watching movies, the sound is clear. But I don't feel bass, even when I set it to maximum.

K70 firmware problem


I bough my K70 keyboard (red switch) from newegg about 3wks ago

and I found firmware 1.09 update for my keyboard

so I try to update my keyboard.

instruction said I have to plug my keyboard with USB2.0 direct to computer which I did and began the update

while updating, I saw the update bar going smoothly but at a certain point, update process stopped and gave me a msg saying update has failed

Is it because my keyboard firmware is up-to-date?

If it's so, is there anyway I can check for my keyboard firmware?

samedi 28 juin 2014

Corsair Vengeance m65 Firmware Issue


Recently my Corsair Vengeance m65 mouse has basically locked up in it's DPI and does not respond to the mouse configuration program. It is stuck on the highest DPI (~6000 dpi) and will not return. I've searched through the threads and found that a few other people have experienced the same issue. I've tried reinstalling both windows and the mouse driver. When I try to install the firmware of the mouse, it gives me this error "Cannot open USB device, please plug the device into a USB port or reinstall driver!" I have attached the mouse to every single USB port multiple times to no avail. I have also uninstalled and reinstalled the driver many times, but i receive the same error. Some assistance to this problem would be greatly appreciated! Thank you for your time.

Installing H80i on AMD Phenon II - Am I missing Something??

Hello... I am new to the forum.

I bought a Corsair H80i hydro liquid cooling system to replace the one that failed on my sons computer. I thought the site that I bought it from said that it would fit on all AMD systems. I have an AMD Phenom II x6 1100T Black Edition. The instructions say to "align the bracket with the Stock AMD mounting clips as shown and then tighten the thumb screws." I don't see any standard mounting bracket. Once I removed the old liquid cooling system there isn't anything left on the board to mount the H80i to?

Has anyone else mounted the H80i to an AMD Phenom II?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Ticket 6486166

Ticket email said to contact via forum or phone, if no response in 24-48 hours. Its been about 3 or 4 business days. My ticket is for requesting an RMA for a PSU that died after about a month.


M90 mouse acting up?

hey everyone,

i have a problem with my m90 mouse. i taped the right click "closed" so that i had a makeshift autoclicker for minecraft. turned out now my trusty old M90 now makes right clicks when i'm not right clicking the mouse manually. so my guess is that the plastic part of the mouse is bent a bit so that it acidentally activates the switch on the mouse. and now, my left click is kinda stiff too.

does anyone have an idea that may help solve this problem?


Question : corsair 380T + hydro H and HG series ?

Hi everybody,

I will probably buy the 380T and i just want to know if it will be possible to use the 2 systems : Hydro H and Hydro HG in this case (in the same time) ?

I will not make OC, i just want to have a small case without noise (i actually use a Haf-X with 7 fans without CPU and GPU and i can't accept it anymore).

My config : i7-3770 and 7970ghz Vapor-X.

Thx for all yours answers and please don't care of my English, i'm French :D

Edit : sorry if there is another post with this question ^^

Corsair Obsidian 900D

Bonjour a tous

Je viens sur ce forum car j'ai bien l'intention d'acheter une super-tour Corsair Osbsidian 900D, mais malheureusement pour moi je ne trouve pas le moyen d'acheter les accessoires boitier qui vont avec.

Ces accessoires sont :

- 900D HDD Drive Cage (CC-8930108)

- 900D HDD SATA Hot Swap Cable (CC-8930118)

Alors j'espère qu'ici on me donnera une solution.

Merci par avance

A small quirk regarding the HX850 and the 600T


I have always run my PSU fan facing downwards towards the cases built in dust cover. After getting myself a dust cover for the side window for the 600T along with 4x fans recently though, I wanted to rotate the PSU such that it would take in air from the inside of the case, but the 8pin CPU power cable is too short to reach my connector on the top of the case in this setup.

My rationale for the change in PSU position is because the filter I purchased for the side is finer than the stock ones on the case; allowing for air that is relatively dust free to enter the PSU; potentially extending its life in the process. Also, since my computer is up against a wall, moving it back and forth to remove the rear dust filter prebuilt in the case is a problem and removing my side filter would be much easier.

Although I will continue to use my PSU fan facing downwards, I just wanted to share a minor complain I have in an otherwise perfect PSU. I would like to see this cable extended by just a few centimeters in the future if possible please.



Corsair H80i failing pump?

So yesterday everything was working great. Corsair link worked, could change pump colors and fan speeds. Today I booted my pc and got a Cpu fan error. Repeated and pumps 3pin connector and it booted fine. Once in Windows I checked corsair link and saw my fans, pump etc disappeared.

I then repeated the USB cable and sata connector. Next thing I noticed was that the led on the pump would turn on, but after post it would keep blinking (see video).

Is my H80i slowly dying? It looks like the pump is working because idle temps are just as they were before...

Also the pump sometimes makes a grinding noise.

Corsair 1200AXi / CPU Stromkabel


Ich habe ein Problem mit meinem Netzteil ( Corsair 1200AXi ) sobald ich den CPU-Stromkabel an das Netzteil anschließe und dann die Self-Test-Taste drücke passiert nichts ich bekomme keine Rückmeldung vom Netzteil wenn ich dann das CPU-Stromkabel vom Netzteil entferne funktioniert das mit der Self-Test-Taste das Netzteil geht an und ich bekomme die Grüne LED angezeigt ...

Ich gehe davon aus das dass Netzteil defekt ist ??? ich habe auch Original Stromkabel von Corsair als Ersatz hab es auch gleich versucht und das Problem bleibt gleich !!!

Was tun ??? Ist so ein Fehler schon bekannt ???


Corsair Link bug?

Preface: I have an i7-4770k and the H100i cooler.

Last night I noticed that the temps on my processor were going a bit high (hitting high 30s / 40s without much going on) and I was a bit confused. It was still doing it when I woke up so I opened up Link to see if that could help me figure out what was going on. It turns out that link is no longer identifying H100i fans 1 and two or the H100i pump. It also created a new group for some reason...

Any idea why this would happen? There's a screenshot attached if what I said wasn't clear. The bottom row is a new group it has suddenly created (and I had to drag those fans/the pump there myself). Group 6 is the old H100i temp group used for the cooling.

Attached Images

File Type: jpg link.jpg (548.2 KB)

Ticket n° 6486482


I opened this ticket to inquire about my new Obsidian 750D case, because the power button is faulty.

It's been three days and not received news from technical support, and I wonder if at this point i need to do a RMA, because i bought the case 40 days ago, and the warranty is valid.

Thank you.

Problème pilote Vengeance 2100

il me manque un pilote pour pouvoir installer mon casque et je le trouve pas

vendredi 27 juin 2014

Watch How To Train Your Dragon 2 Online Free

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H75 Pump buzz/whine

Hey guys, I've recently bought a Corsair H75 from PC Case Gear, and the pump seems to be buzzing and whining all the time, I've tried moving the pump and radiator around but the annoying buzz is still present. The buzz isn't extremely loud like a HDD seek but its a constant buzz that's just loud enough for it to be extremely annoying, especially since the rest of my system is silent.

can someone help me out please? :confused:



How to setup side buttons on m95?

I want to be able to assign the side buttons in games but first I have to activate them or something? Because in game when I assign a skill with a side button nothing happens. The corsair mouse configuration program makes absolutely no sense to me and i need some help.. thanks

SP120 PWM HP Retail and 750D Vibration

I'm seriously at the last straw. For the past month, I have RMA'd twice for my Corsair SP120 PWM HP twin packs. At first I thought that it could be a problem with my H100i (using push/pull) and I was sent a replacement along with my 2 sets of SP120 twin packs (today). I just installed the H100i, and it was completely quite (no grinding or nothing). Then when I was playing Battlefield 4, I noticed that they were vibrating against my case (my only belief to what the sound is). So I decided to add the "anti-vibration" rubber washers. This sound is down, but now its still continuing to vibrate.

Should I just ask Amazon to send me another case? would that fix the problem?

K70 wird bei Systemstart nicht erkannt


ich habe mir vor einigen Monaten die K70 blue zugelegt. Nun musste ich aber feststellen, dass die Tastatur beim Start von meinem PC (ungefähr alle 5-10 Starts) nicht erkannt wird. Ein Herausziehen und wieder Einstecken der USB-Stecker behebt das Problem dann, jedoch ist die ganze Angelegenheit trotzdem relativ nervig.

Tritt dieses Problem häufiger auf, bzw. hat jemand eine Idee, woran es liegen könnte?



Where is the root directory/ folder?

I formatted my device as per the instructions for use with Mac. It loaded movies from iTunes without a problem. I am now trying to update the firmware on my Voyager Air to be able to steam movies to my iOS devices.

I have down loaded the firmware update file, but can not see where to drop the file into. The instructions say to place it in the root directory, but I can't see where that is. There are no folders on the drive, only the movie files that I have already loaded (which work perfectly to my Mac and my wife's Mac book).


450D - Need Help Please

We just rebuilt my computer into the 450D. It's a much larger case than I needed, but I liked it much better than anything else I saw (primarily because of the filters, VERY important in our home as we have many pets & live in the desert). We've built many computers in our day, but some connectors, etc have changed and we are getting lost! lol Thanks, in advance, for any help.

MB: Gigabyte GA-HA67MA-USB3-B3

Case: 450D

PSU: Raidmax RX-630Z


FANS - We can only connect 1 front and the rear fan, but want both front fans working.

My husband is an electrical engineer so he feels comfortable jury-rigging them using the Phobya 4-Pin to 6 x 3-Pin Fan Splitter PCB.

Is there a better way?

Front Panel USB - We cannot figure out how to hook these up.

The case has a big plug that says USB on it that we've never seen before.

The MB has 4 little plugs.

What do we need to make the USBs on the front panel work? Note: audio works fine.

An adapter of some sort, I imagine. Can someone tell us exactly which one to get, please?

H75 - 44C on idle (BIOS)

Hello everyone,

This is my first time experience with liquid cooling and sadly i am not satissfied with results. (compared to reviews on the web)

I am a total noob at liquid cooling and OC topics.

My purpose wasn't the OC'ing but my CPU is capable of that, i guess! (i7 2600k)

I've mounted H75 today and it was really hard!

Because of "loose backplate" issue, i had to add some plastic washers between mobo and backplate.

Before adding washers, my IDLE temperature was 56C

and now it's 44C...

I mean BIOS screen with IDLE.

No HDD, USB or any device connected.

And i'd like to ask a little help to make sure that my configuration is right.

My case is Thermaltake Nvidia Element V and my setup is almost identical with this.

And i'd like to say that i am not happy with my case too. It's definitely not ideal for OC setup! Lack of standarts and tight space!


2 fans, pushing air inside the case


Corsair H75 fans, pushing air outside


1 fan, pushing air outside

I have few questions about my setup.

- 44C sounds really huge to me! I am reading comments such as "32-33C ın idle" with H75. Should i worry about 44C?

- Is my setup right?

- Should i consider any other equipment, case or something?

- And any ideas to start OC'ing?

Thanks all!

Suspected power supply malfunction?

Hey, recently I've been having a problem where my ASUS motherboard constantly says it activated the power supply surge protection and reboots.

While I've seen a lot of posts on various sites talking about how this is an awful feature and always has false positives, this didn't pop up until recently, I have been running this PC for about a year now and it just now decided to show up.

I have made no recent installations however, the first time this happened was a time when I (probably foolishly) demanded a bit much from my PC having several graphically intensive programs open at once, the computer turned off and rebooted saying the power supply surge protection had acted.

I'm not sure if it's possible that the power supply is partially damaged, or if it's just not giving enough power to the gpu or something? I can run the computer just fine on the internet or watching videos with Steam running, but if I launch a graphically intensive game it loads the graphics fully well but shuts off seconds later.

I can play less graphically intensive games for a duration before it decides to shut itself off.

Is it the power supply that is faulty? Should I just turn off ASUS anti-surge protection even though this problem just started recently with no modifications made to cause it to happen?

K90 Q key acting up

Hey guys, I've had my K90 for about a year and 7months now. Lately, my Q key has been acting up. Every time I press Q, random letters show up. This is what shows up most of the time when I press Q: eiopqruw. I literally have to delete the other letters just to get it. It's happened twice so far. First time, it just went away. This time, it's not going anywhere and it's driving me to insanity :(

Looked it up and I cant find anything about it. Any ideas?

This is me just pressing q:








Possible problem with the HG10

I know it is not out yet, and that the release date has been pushed back, but I wanted to address a possible oversight that some Corsair users may encounter in the future; most noticeably the 250D owners.

From looking at the pictures, it would appear that the HG10 is slightly larger than an average 2 slot cooler. The 250 has some extra wiggle room beyond the second PCIE slot, but not enough to fit an HG10 and be able to snake the water tubes over it. Even if you could, it would be over the intake which could cause a hindrance. What I suggest is that you cut it in such a way so that people can route the tubes around the heatsink - similar to what NZXT did for its Kraken G10.

"Please excuse the crudity of this model. I didn't have time to build it to scale or paint it... very well."

The yellow parts representing where the bracket would be cut in order to allow the tubes to pass through.

h100 no fans/led

im not really sure but a few months ago, my h100 died basically

everything except the pump is dead

and then randomly one of the corsair fans that came with this died a month ago *weird*


the cpu block's front cap is broken so i doubt i'd be able to rma this baby *i do dumb things at times*

would anyone on this forum have any technical experience with this?

basically the fans dont spin at all and no led, i suspect it gets no power but the wiring from the inside looks fine

plus the mobo wont pick up the rpm sensor from the pump

i7-4790K@4.9GHz, Maximus VI Extreme, Vengeance DDR3-2400!!!!

Hello all, HackmanSD with a little update on Devils Canyon retail chips!

A client of mine has been holding his breath waiting for the DC i7 and it didn't let him down.

This is running on the Asus Maximus VI Extreme, Corsair Vengeance DDR3-2400 with an H110 Cooling in Push!

We knew going in, from reading reviews, that the general consensus was it would do 4.7 stable. The reviewers had trouble getting it to run stable at 4.8 and higher wasn't possible with DC.

Well, I guess we must have gotten "The Golden Chip" as it booted into Windows at 4.7 by only upping the Multiplier.

This astounded me as I wasn't expecting it to be stable without heavy tweaking!

We moved ahead and tried 4.8 with everything set to Auto in booted into Windows but wouldn't run any benchmarks/stability tests.

The Auto voltage had it sitting at 1.28 volts so I bumped it up to 1.32...just to see.

Bam! Rock Solid at 4.8GHz!

Temps were hitting 84C during AIDA64 stress test so I deemed it safe...for a Haswell anyway!

He has plans to put this under water very soon so we wanted to see exactly how high it would clock.(Well, I wanted to see)

Bumped up the voltage to 1.34, Cache ratio to 45, XMP profile for the memory and let it boot at 4.9GHz.....and boot it did!

Went right into Windows without issue and was able to run Cinebench R15, AIDA64 Stress test for about 30 mins and 3dMark 13 Firestrike. The thing is rock stable but HOT. Temps were at 95 for most of the stress test but during 3DMark 13 not 1 core broke 90.

This was a quick and dirty overclock just for testing and has been dropped to 4.5 until I get the water cooling stuff in BUT this was the easiest Haswell overclock I have done....EVER!

Pictures are below to show where it was during testing. I'll have more time to work on the voltages once the water goes in but it seems to be thermally limited. I really think with some time and tweaking, I can get her over 5GHz easy!

[IMG] [/IMG]

[IMG] [/IMG]

[IMG] [/IMG]

[IMG] [/IMG]

Newbie: Fan Intake back - Fan intake front


Can anyone help on a fan setup question please?

I have the H80i at the back of my case sucking in air towards to the cpu.

I also have the two fans at the front of my case sucking in air towards the cpu.

Is this incorrect, and if so, could anyone tell me the definative answer as to what should be the correct installation. I know corsair advise intake of air on the H80i towards the cpu, or, should I turn the front of the case fans around, and put them to exhause air?

Many thanks,


Didnt Receive Reset Password Email


As title, i didnt receive it and ive been waiting for 20 minutes long after typed email into reset password request query. my email:

Please response

Thank you

CPU runs at 100 degrees under load, H100i works


While running the prime 95 stress test, my fans start blowing at a 100% and seems like the world is about to end.

I built this system yesterday:

i7 4770K @3.50GHz (not overclocked yet)

GTX 780 Ti

Corsair Vengeance 16GB @ 1600MHz

Corsair 750D

Corsair RM850W PSU

Corsair H100i Liquid cooling

Asus Maximus VI Hero

Samsung 840 Pro 256GB

WD Blue 1TB 7200RPM

My H100i fans are blowing, the light is on and they blow harder when the CPU is under high load.. Corsair Link AND Cpu Z both give temperatures over 95 degrees.

I'm scared, what could be the problem?

Compatibility of PSU cable set of AX1200i with AX1500i


Does anyone know for sure that the individually sleeved psu cable set sold by Corsair (generation type 2) for AX1200i is also compatible with the new AX1500i PSU ?

H100i very loud fan whine

I got a brand new H100i yesterday and installed it. The device seemed functional / the cooling was good. But the two fans connected to the pump are making a ridiculous noise that I really can't ignore.

Is the firmware update supposed to solve this noisy fan issue? or is it worth me just plugging the fans into the motherboard instead? (read too many posts about bricked coolers after firmware updates :( )


I noticed the threads with PSUs causing cooler trouble. I'm currently using a Corsair AX1200i, has this been known to cause issues with my cooler?

Ticket Number 6484944 h60 issue


i think the h60 is leaking as keep getting a strong anti-freeze smell but i cant see it nothing on the block pipes or anywhere

i have a ticket open (Ticket 6484944) for the last 5 days but no one has looked at as yet .. is the bloke on his hoildays ;)

Just wonder what has happen to the support guy as I have an open ticket untouched for 5 days ???

Ticket Number 6484944

jeudi 26 juin 2014

DDR3-2133 really the sweet spot?

I was reading this article:

I am spec'ing out this system now:

Corsair 350D (with window)

Corsair H100i


Corsair PSU (either RM750 or maybe an AX cant decide)

Asus Maximus VI Gene

EVGA GTX 780ti Superclocked ACX

For memory I want 32GB.

I was planning on DDR3-1866, but after reading that article and knowing that I keep desktops a loooong time. I though I would splurge now and allow my video editing/rendering to be even easier. So I thought DDR-2133 but there are no 32GB 4x8 kits lists.

I've read in other threads that pretty much any series (vengence, dominator, etc etc will work). But in other threads I read that each series might work better with a different chipset. Which Series would work best with the above. Dominator Platinum would be neat for the lights, but if it doesnt offer much else over say a vengence than who knows.

Thanks for the help.


Home HDD based NAS is going back. one of the two disks is gone. Second time its happened in a couple of years. Considering a new one. Possibly different raid (think its raid 5?, the one using three disks where any one could go out and still be ok).

the way I use the NAS is basically a document, music, photo, video archive. Accessed by home pc's or mobile devices. Its not written to terribly often.

But I'm wondering except for cost. Why would using SSD as the drive be a BAD idea? One thing I really hate about the NAS that I got now, is that its slower than dirt. 10/100 but it seems like it goes soo much slower, and accessing over wifi, its even worse. A new one might have 10/100/1000, but I though SSD would also speed things up. I know frequent read/write might not be the best for SSD.

I dunno any thoughts? Was thinking about a Synology DS412+ with the SSD inside (if thats even possible). Its just a thought I had this evening.

Corsair 900D Rigid tube water cooled, slightly mod

Hey guys,

I've got a 900D case 6 months ago and been putting a lot of works into it. Just finished my build recently, very happy with the result. I really love the 900D, great case for water cooling, my best case choice so far. So I want to share my build with you, hope you like it like I do :sunglasse


CPU: i7 4770k

Motherboard: ASUS Maximus IV Formula

RAM: 2x 8Gb G.Skill Trident X 2400 mHz

GPU: 2x HIS Radeon R9 290

PSU: Silverstone Strider Gold 1200w


  • Samsung 840 EVO 250Gb

  • 2x Corsair Force 240Gb

  • HDD: WD Green 4Tb


CPU water block: EK Supremacy Plexi/Nickel

GPU water block: 2x EK Radeon R9-290X VGA Liquid Cooling Block - Acetal

2x EK R9-290X VGA Liquid Cooling RAM Backplate

2x EK Coolstream PE 480mm Radiator, EK Coolstream PE 240mm Radiator

Pump: 2x Swiftech MCP655


  • Corsair Air Series AF140 Quiet Edition Red LED

  • 2x Corsair Air Series AF120 Quiet Edition Red LED

  • 8x Corsair Air Series AF120 Quiet Edition

  • 6x Corsair Air Series AF120 Performance Edition

E22 acrylic rigid tubing, Bitspower fittings

I've got a build log on overclock forum already so it should not be repeat in here. If you want to see more details of my works feel free to check it out:

Project DD01 - Corsair 900D Custom Water Cooled

Let me know what do you think and thank you very much for reading!

Flash Voyager GT 64GB Windows 8.1

Are there any solutions to get the flash drive to work on Windows 8.1? I have Rampage III Extreme, when I try to plug the flash drive in the 3.0 port it does not pick it up. It works fine in the 2.0 port, my external WD hard drive works fine in the 3.0 ports. I have been trying to Google for a solutions but ran into a few threads on Corsair forums with same problem, but no solution.

Couple of questions before buying the k70 keyboard


I've been looking for a couple of weeks now for a mechanical keyboard and I've found the k70.

Looks good, but I still have a couple of questions about it:

- Can I get it with MX Brown (I read that it exists but I just want to make sure)

- Is there a french layout version of it

- I read that there were LED problems with it, is it still worth it?

- Does it reduce the amount of typo errors (important for me because I program a lot)

- Should I wait if there is a k70 RGB MX Brown?

- I've been looking at WASD keyboards too, what do you think?

--> Worth it?

And if you could give me your personal feel of this keyboard would be great :biggrin:.

Thanks, 3751_Creator

PS: I might add more questions if I think of more.

h60 temp to high

just bort a new h60

install it all ok but my temp are high idle there are between 41c and 51c

just did backup of my hd and temp shot up to 60c 70c

on full cpu load temp shot to 90c 100c its scary on stock cooler temps

are normal not to high....

any help would me nice.. or is my h60 faulty

H100i Not cooling as expected..

So I picked up a new case and at the same time, picked up the Corsair H100i cpu cooler. Somewhat disappointing so far (unless Im doing something wrong), but thought I'd get some feedback, suggestions if (if anything) I can do to help it cool better.

I put the H100i in my new HAF XM case. Tight fit but its in. Got it hooked up and testing it out, it doesn't seem to cool much better then my previous air cool cpu cooler.. I have an i5 3570K @ 3.4Ghz. My idle is 38 to 42C and when I benchmark with Prim95, I'm maxing pushing 80C! With all fans at 100%.

So what can I do to help my temps? I used as little Antec Formula 7 Thermal paste as I could. (little drop then spread with included tool). Tightly screwed the cooler on. (Did this twice) Could it be not enough thermal paste? Could it be the way I applied it?

Fans blowing in or out didn't make much difference.

Check in Bios, cpu current at 1.10V, ff that matters...


Almost 5 months waiting now!

My ticket number is: 6391370 (from the 30th of January)

Since the ticket system doesn't have any effect i choose to write here.

It has been almost 5 months waiting now. My mouse started to give problems and i sent it for repairs.

Many messages later i'm still waiting. Sometimes over a month passes by and don't get any answer.

First they couldn't find my package, then my mouse didn't exist in Europe anymore and couldn't be fixed. Then i was going to be sent a new one. The last message is:

"By: Jelaide O. (6/2/2014 12:37 PM)

Hello Miguel,

Thank you for your confirmation. Your replacement will ship within 1-2 business days."

That is 20 days ago already.

As usual, i write and don't get an answer.

This is unacceptable.

Rma #6483832

Hi all,

Had my RMA for some faulty ram sent in last week and tracking shows it has been delivered to the Netherlands. Since then which was 2 days ago, my status still shows processing? How do i even know they have 'received' it? Why are there no confirmation that it has been received and rest assured the replacement is on its way. I understand it has only been 2-3 days but some kind of acknowledgement goes a long way....

Can someone from the corsair team confirm if my RMA has been received? and what is going on?

Ticket Number 6484944 Status New

Just wonder what has happen to the support guy as I have an open ticket untouched for 5 days ???

Ticket Number 6484944

h60 2013 keep getting a strong anti-freeze type of smell from PC


i think the h60 is leaking as keep getting a strong anti-freeze smell but i cant see it nothing on the block pipes or anywhere

i have a ticket open (Ticket

6484944) for the last 5 days but no one has looked at as yet .. is the bloke on his hoildays ;)

AX1200 Custom cable

Hi to you,

I have 4 hard drives connectec to a single power cable and my concern is that the space between connectors creates some stress on HDD connectors... So I'm planning to do a custom power cable to eliminate that problem by putting the power connectors at the exact spacing...

What I don't know is the model of the power connector (and the female pons inside the connector) that is plugged into the power supply... So as I want to have a full compatible poser cablem can anyone help me with that?

Thanks in advance...

HG10 bracket watercooling solution crossfire R9 290

Hello i have a question about the new watercooling bracket , the Corsair HG10 GPU bracket (release in August)

I am really excited about this new product!! (sorry for bad english)

i have a ref R9 290 in crossfire.

My question is what the best Corsair Closed loop system (2x) is for my crossfire setup. I have a Corsair Carbide air 540 Case. Really affraid that the tube of corsairs closed loops is to short in crossfire... i allready have a h100i on top of my case cooling my cpu.

Thanks and hoping for some feedback:biggrin:[/SIZE][/FONT]

Dominator Platinum Suggestions

Hey guys. Recently I've begun switching from a red and black build to a white and black build.

Current build is here (make sure to scroll to the bottom for updates if you want to look.)

The only thing that's static red in my case is my 32GB (4x8GB) 1600mhz Vengeance ram. I figured, who needs to buy new ram, I'll part those heat spreaders no problem and paint them with heat conductive paint (not that it matters) warranty be damned. Well, perhaps I went a bit too fast with the heat gun because I ended up breaking a chip off of the PCB of one of my DIMMS. Egg on face.

Moving on from this sad life lesson, I've decided to buy the Dominator Platinum that I've always wanted. I'm looking for 16GB (2X8GB) and can't decide if I want:


or 2133mhz:

What do you guys think? Is it worth getting the 2133mhz or should I grab the 1866 and try to OC?

I know that after 1600mhz there's not really any real world performance gain but come on, we all know why anyone buys high end ram kits. Case Cred!

Thanks for your input.

Ticket 6483882 no response after 5 day

Good morning, I'm from Italy..

I've open tickets 19/06 and have no response..

H10i reamining out from case, unable to use pc.


Corsair M90 don't work after sleep mode/restart.

Well, to Corsair your 2 business day response time is a total lie as I submitted a ticket about the problem on the 18th of June 2014. To those who are wise and helpful here is a paste of my ticket I still have open with Corsair about my unfortunate problem with a great mouse I've had for a year and a half.


o Corsair,

My Corsair M90 Mouse has been working strong for the last year and a half since I bought it from Newegg until recently. The problem is anytime my computer awakens from sleep mode/restarts/turns on after being shutdown the mouse with turn on briefly during the initial loading phase of windows but then turn off. From there I have to use a different mouse to log in and then I unplug my corsair m90 and then plug it back in to get it to work, but only before I run the m90 setup software. When this problem originated a few days ago I orginally uninstalled all drivers/firmware and did a restart by downloading the newest software for the mouse. But at first the FwUpdater v1.12 wouldn't even recognize the mouse and the one time it did it said the flash memory failed. To resolve that I ran the m90 setup and bam the mouse was recognized and the firmware was successful. And I was hoping that was the end of it but no everytime the computer is rebooted I must redo it all.

[Paste] Additional Comments.

3 days later the m90 still gives me these problems.

Furthermore just as a continuation I woke my computer up from sleep mode and the mouse is lit up but the cursor will not move.

Additional Current Comments.

Today all I seem to have to do since the last two sleep mode awakens has been to unplug the usb for the m90 and plug it back in and both times windows installed the driver successfully even when the mouse was lit up but the cursor wouldn't move but as soon as the driver which I have installed already is installed through the automatic windows thing the mouse works, what the hell?


I really love the mouse. But I wish it hadn't started doing this, please anyone if you can help I'm open ears.

Ticket #6483828

mercredi 25 juin 2014

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Win8.1 Pro New Install 2min Boot Time

I just wiped and performed a fresh install of Windows 8.1 Pro. Boot times are exactly 2mins. All drivers up to date. Bios and SSD Firmware is up to date. I can't seem to find out what the issue is. Is anyone else experiencing this?

I have a Corsair Force GS 240GB. The slow boot started on Windows 7 some time ago so I decided to format and try 8.1 but it looks like my problem carried over. Could it be a bad SSD?

When the issue started in Windows 7, downgrading the SSD firmware to 5.05 seemed to resolve the issue. When it started happening again, I upgraded it to 5.07 and it seemed to be fixed. Then randomly, it started again and I can't seem to figure it out. This time, downgrading the firmware does not resolve the issue.

How long for support?

Hey guys,

Was just wondering how long it takes for Corsair to answer a RMA ticket? I requested it earlier today and still haven't heard anything.

Is this usual for them? I recently dealt with Gigabyte and the longest I had to wait for an email back was 4 minutes which is amazing and I'm not expecting anything that quick but it's been around 5-6 hours.

Also tried Live Chat (which said it was online) but I was waiting for over 40 minutes for it connect.

Just anxious to get it resolved as I need it for business :sigh!:

Ticket number is 6486371

H100i dead ?


I installed my H100i cooler in my system when I built it 18months ago, and until yesterday it was running well.

Yesterday I noticed that Corsair Link wasn't showing the fans or pump spinning, and on investigation I've found:

- the fans are not spinning when the machine is booted up

- on power up the fans briefly rotate for 2-3 seconds and stop

- no indication the pump is actually running

- no led activity.

I've tried disconnecting and reconnecting the various connections with no result.

Is my H100i dead ? Is there anything else I can try to ? Anyone know what the warranty is in the UK - can I RMA it, or am I looking for a new part ?

ETA - actually the pump maybe running - there is a slight whine that goes when I disconnect the power to the block.

Cheers, Dave

Corsair K70, what about big enter key

Hello there,

First of all i'm sorry about my english.

The questions:

-About the enter key: I'm from greece and i always had keyboards with a big enter key and i really like it(one example here: I can't understant how it works. Where you place the one line enter key and where you place the big enter key. The problem is that i look to buy the k70 from amazon but i can't be sure if the keyboard has the big enter key. Is there a way for search these kind of keyboards?

-About the silver K70: I really like the black aluminum, but as i can see at all reviews videos at youtube the key light(at key character) is kind of pink. I really don't want to take a keyboard and have red backlight and the key characters glow with pink backlight. I don't know if this is a problem with the cameras or it is a real problem. So i start searching for the silver aluminum with the blue backlight and brown mx. But, i really can't find one. Is there an actual problem or i should wait? In greece all the stores got the black version and at amazon the silver version is currently unavailable for a month.

Thanks a lot, i'm sorry again for my english.

Really excited about K70, i hope in a fast response, so i can buy it as fast as posible.

Firmware not installing after formatting

I recently bought a 2014 Macbook Air right around the time the new firmware update came out. I own the red 500 gb Voyager Air, and had to format the hard drive to work with my mac. I accidentally chose MS-DOS format option (FAT) and followed the firmware update instructions to no avail. I did some reading online and realized I should have chosen Mac OS Extended, so I reformatted the drive again using that. Once it was formatted (in this order), I transferred the firmware file onto the drive, ejected it properly, turned the drive off, unplugged the USB, and turned the voyager on. The drive was plugged into a power source during all of this (including the next step). The wifi light blinked as it should and when it stopped I turned the drive on and off again, but now it isn't showing up as a wireless network (it didn't show up when it was formatted as a FAT either). It does work as a plug-in drive.

I tried formatting the drive back to windows and installing the firmware update, but that failed too. Any ideas?

Additionally, is there a technical support phone number? I can't seem to find one listed anywhere.

Dell Optiplex 780 MT memory upgrade

I didn't want to necropost a year and a half old thread, and who knows, after that time maybe something has changed?

Anyhow, I have a Dell Optiplex 780 Mini-Tower running Win-7 64-bit. It currently has 2GBx2 modules in it, and I would like to add another 8GB (4GBx2) of memory to it.

Using the Corsair memory finder tool, I get this page which lists a 16GB (4GBx4) as the only one available.

As mentioned I would like to put 2 4GB sticks of memory into this machine, not 4. Is there a part number for an 8GB (4GBx2) kit anywhere? Does Corsair make one? Is there a Corsair option out there that will work with this rig?

Thank you.

Voyager Air not visible in Mac Finder

I've connected my Voyager Air 1 to my home network via ethernet, which is visible in Windows 8 but not in my Mac's Finder.

The drive is formatted as exFAT as I'll be reading writing from OSX, Windows and Android.

I'm running OS X Mavericks 10.9.3 and can connect to the internet using my android phone in internet pass-through mode (the wifi card is waiting to be replaced).

The drive mounts when connected via USB, and over WiFi with my devices.

Any comments welcomed... thanks.

CS750M, corsair pdfs out of date problem

Looking at the CS750M on the corsair site, and downloading the pdfs (cable consolidation guide rev 28, psu specification 091813) neither include the CS-M.

I'm guessing that the CS-M has the same spec/config as the CX-M bar the fact its a Gold over Bronze, would that be correct? (currently my fave supplier has about a 3 quid difference between them)

My second question as none of the manuals make it clear... is the pin out/plug on the PSU modular socket, for either/or/both CS/CX, the same for both the molex and the sata cables, or is there a difference?

Third question, if the cable plug/socket for molex and sata, at the psu end, is the same, is there a way to get an additional sata cable to replace a molux one? (i'm in the uk)

I have a shed load of drives in my system (old no-mark fully wired psu, 1 sata cable and 3 molex cables) and this is done by having multiple molex-Y-molex cables feed into multiple molex-Y-sata adapters; and if the sata and molex cables on the CS-M are interchangeable, at the psu end, I would much prefer an extra sata cable than taking one of the molex cables and attaching molex sata converters.

Air Cooling Suggestions for 250D

Does anyone have suggestions on the cooling available for the 250D? I know ideally it would be a H100i but I have been having issues with temps. I am still working those out but wondering if anyone has suggestions on air coolers that may work? I am not attached to the 5.25 bay so if that needs to go in order to get a decent cooler, I am fine with it.


h80 copper cold plate oxidation

i took out my h80 to put it onto another system. and to my horror the copper cold plate has oxidized. is that sign of a leak? it's still attached to a cpu as i currently do not have any other heatsink. does it qualify for rma or is it normal wear and tear? please advice, thanks. from singapore btw.

vengance 2100 audio question?

I recently bought the 2100 headset andI am having a hard time getting them set up right. I can get the mic to work but can't seem to get the sound through the headphones. I do run a soundblaster z dedicated sound card. Any assistance with this would be greatly appreciated.

Vegeance 2000 cracked i did RMA no answer

I bought one vegeance 2000 headset from amazon the first pair which i receive got dongle problem whit blue screen, the second pairs got an issue many others ppl are having, the plastic on the inner side of my Vengeance 2000's cracked. This seems to be an extremely common issue after looking on several retailer's online reviews tab, and looking at the Corsair forums.

The ticket number is this #6485458 please help me.