vendredi 27 mars 2015

Commander Mini To try to Stop Fans?

I've been searching all over to try to find a Fan controller that follows this:

1. Automatic fan controlled based off of CPU temp instead of Temp sensors

2. An ability to stop the fans

And custom curves would be nice.

The only options I've seen is the Grid + and this Commander mini. While both seem to have the right auto controls I'm looking for, I can't seem to find a reliable information on if it can turn the fans off completely. They are all 3pin 120mm fans and I only have 2 maybe 3 of them. But with my case being pretty open, it's a bit loud, and the cpu fans do just fine on their own. Of course I'm overclocked and as a video editor when I render I will need them cranked up but when I'm just browsing around and doing research I would enjoy a quieter computer.

Can anyone tell me if it's possible or maybe point me in the right direction for a solution that works for me? After 5 days of looking reviews up and down for several brands I can't seem to find a good answer anywhere. (maybe I'm asking too much)


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