mercredi 31 décembre 2014

K65 RGB Can someone recreate Tek Syndicate's yellow K65 profile?

I really like the way his keyboard looks and I wanted to know if anyone could remake it so that I could use it. It's the one in this video:


can you make it so that a light will toggle on and off when i press a key?

i want to put it on the key that mutes my mic as i often forgot that my mic is muted.

Help with new H2100

So I just got a H2100 Headet and followed all the instructions to set it up. Turn on youtube and no sound. Try to open the Gaming headset software. Didn't work. I have Windows 8.1 64-bit. Plz help

K70 Cherry Mx brown CH-9000077-UK


Just wanted to ask about keyboard K70 with Cherry Mx Brown switches ( CH-9000077-UK )... Where the h**l can I buy it?

Will it ever be available? I absolutely want this keyboard but can't find it.. Especially the non-rgb versions.. Just nice plain anodized black with replaceable wasd caps, with red backlight.. and UK keys.. Does anyone have any information?? I probably could leave w/o UK keys but..

K70 Help with Caps Lock and Scroll Lock not lighting up

Hello, I recently bought a Corsair K70 from Amazon.

Everything works fine and lights up except for the three dots near the top right of the keyboard that indicate the Caps Lock, Scroll Lock, etc. I've attached a screenshot of what I'm talking about.

I can't seem to get these buttons to light up. Please help, thanks!

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600T neue Lüfter

Heyho Corsair Community!

Nachdem mein neues I/O Front Panel auf dem Weg ist (hatte die alte Montagslüftersteuerung von 2012, aber dank super einfachem RMA und freundlichem Support trotz 2-wöchigem Garantieablauf ziemlich schnell eine Lösung gefunden, thumbs up dafür!), habe ich bemerkt, dass es zum 600T extrem viele Modder gibt. Von Casemodding halte ich eigentlich nicht so viel, da ich grade so mit höchster Vorsicht nen neuen RAM Riegel einbauen kann :D Allerdings gefallen mir die Stock Lüfter überhaupt nicht, in meinem ganzen Zimmer sind blaue LEDs verlegt (zusammen mit Tastatur & Maus), bloß das Gehäuse leuchtet weiß. Ich habe mich nun nach neuen Lüftern umgesehen und bemerkt, dass "mein Baby" der Cooler Master MegaFlow geworden ist. In blau <3 Allerdings sind seine Abmessungen 200x200x30, doch der Stock Lüfter oben passt mit 20mm Tiefe schon kaum rein. Vorne könnte ich den Stock-Lüfter allerdings wechseln, da ich den einen Festplattenkäfig einfach nach hinten vor die PSU geschoben habe und jetzt vorne 30mm Tiefe kein Problem sind. Oben dürften doch 2 Lüfter á 120x120x25 passen, oder? Da wären es m.M.n. die Cooler Master SickleFlow, welche ich auch gerne noch an der Seite ans Mesh installieren würde. Hinten bleibt der Stock Lüfter. Dann käme ich von 3 hässlichen auf 6 Schöne :D Meine Frage(n): Passt das mit den 25mm? Ich poste am besten mal ein Bild. Also vorne wie gesagt kein Problem, an der Seite wirds evtl. wegen diesen Greifdingern an der Seite der Festplattenkästen etwas knapp und oben passen keine 23mm hin.. Achja, und wie schließe ich die Lüfter denn an? Also 1xRear, 1xFront und 2xTop = 4 -> Lüftersteuerung am I/O Panel, aber was mit den 2 neuen Lüftern an der Seite? Wo kommen die dann hin? D: Wäre für Antworten sehr dankbar.

Bilder (da zu groß auf abload gehostet):




Lg. Sazoga

P.S. Guude Rudsch @all!

K70 RGB Just had a spill on my keyboard

Brand new K70 RGB, desk collapsed on me and coke spilled on the number pad. Tried to dry it out as best as I could, the keys and lights all work fine, but now when its plugged in, every few minutes windows pops up with "USB DEVICE NOT RECOGNIZED", even though the KB is working fine it would seem. Should I let it dry out a few days and see what happens, or try for an RMA?

EDIT: Yes, I already unplugged ALL USB devices, just left the KB and my mouse plugged in, still got the windows popup. Right now have a Dell junker KB plugged in and so far NO errors, even with my other USB stuff plugged in (externals, webcam, etc.), so im guessing something got screwed by the spill.

750D extra drive cage

Hey guys, I'm looking at buying a Corsair 750D case and then adding extra drive cages to it. From what I can tell there's nobody stocking the compatible "CC600T-DRIVECAGE" but is it possible to fit the 900D drive cage instead?

Also, how many extra CC600T cages could you install into the 750 case, I don't plan to have any full length GFX cards etc, I'm mainly looking at putting as many 3.5" HDD's in here as possible.

h60 came with dead pump

Hi folks.

Just installed a h60 and the pump seems to be dead. It's a new H60.

I tried plugging the pump to all 4/3 pin connectors. I tested two fans on the same conconnectors and they worked. Cpu temperature hits 85C (according to bios) in 30 seconds and the mobo's protection shuts the system down.

Any ideas to debug it? Already changed the thermal grease and rotated the pump in all directions.

K70 RGB Two Actions for One Key

So I'm making a profile for Kerbal Space Program, and I want the lighting to change when I press the 'r' key, but I also need the keyboard to register that as an actual keypress. Is there any way to have one key do both of these actions?


CL does not show power in / efficiency for HX750i


I just upgraded my old corsair tx650 psu to a hx750i.

It seems that Corsair Link only reports "power in" and "efficiency" as "0" for me. The psu is connected directly to the motherboards internal usb header. Is this a known issue? Any thoughts on how to solve it?

Btw, I do not have installed other corsair products that could interfere with the software.

Thank you,


Corsair 250D fan clearance?

Hi Corsair forum, I'm planning to make a Mini-ITX build with a Corsair Obsidian 250D in a couple of months after I save up enough money from work. I plan to use a 200mm fan as an intake on the front and two 80mm fans as exhaust out the back of the case (and probably put a couple of sound dampening covers on the 120mm mounts on the right side of the case, I want air to go in a straight line in and out of my case because of the cooler I plan to use, a Noctua NH-L12). However, I also plan to put an optical drive into the 5.25" external bay so I can watch Blu-Ray movies on this PC when I'm not gaming. Will I have enough clearance on the front of the 250D to use both a 200mm fan and a full-sized optical drive, or will I need to pick a smaller front fan in order to fit?

K70 RGB: Can a key combo trigger a macro?

Hi Everyone,

First off, I hope you all have a good New Year's Eve planned! Hopefully my question is pretty basic. I am between the K70 and the K95 RGB versions. I do occasionally use macros for basic text strings or key combination presses. I do not use them often, so the K95 seems like a bit much for me, but I don't want to lose that functionality.

What I'm wondering is the the CUE software will allow me to use a key combination for a macro event. For example, could I easily set Shift + W to trigger a text string ("<h1>"), key press/combo -- essentially remap -- ("Alt+7", for example), or a full on macro ("alt+f1, pause, w, pause, 2, pause, shift+3, pause, etc.). I don't want to lose the basic functionality of any key, so a combination is necessary.

If this is easy enough to set up then the K70 RGB should work just fine with the handful of macros that I use.

Thanks everyone! I can't wait to get my hands on either one of these amazing keyboards!



K70 Blue LED Availability

Hey guys,

I have searched all over the web (reputable stores) and here in Nor Cal for a K70 Cherry MX Red, with Blue LED's and where. Do you know when more are shipping out. I can't be the only one looking for the Blue LED's. There are reds all over the place, but no Blue LEDs. Please help. Again. I live here in Nor Cal (Sacramento).


Corsair force gs 128gb trim failed.

Hi Guys,

I recently rma'ed my force 3 ssd after 2.5 yrs failed and now i got the gs force 128gb .

It was little slow when compared to force 3. But ok. I was wondering what could be the issue. As i only had the option to restore system image. But i was not sure when i manually applied trim it failed.

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Hydro series cpu coolers

Hi, I am looking at purchasing a Hydro series. I just have one question. This may be a dumb question. Does this require water?


Vengeance 2100 headset blinking blue, while dongle is solid blue

I just got the Vengeance 2100 headset and seem to be having an issue.

The dongle is a solid blue color, while the headset is blinking blue. I believe the headset should also be a solid blue when connected? Its weird because the headset seems to be working as I can hear everything and have tested the microphone as well. Any ideas why the headset is blinking even though it seems to be working as intended?

K70 RGB UK Mega Rainbow Edit

For all those lazy people who couldn't be bothered to edit the Hall of Fame Mega Rainbow, here it us in the UK Layout.

Normally the # key and \ key wouldn't be illuminated, now they are. Just a modification to be put out there.

Doesn't really need a video as it's just an edit of the original.



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mardi 30 décembre 2014

HX850i Corsair link


Is the Corsair link cable a requirement for installation? Is it useful? Can I do without? If it is needed; what do I need to connect it to?

Thanks in advance.

Corsair H2100 Robotic Microphone?

Alright so I was playing CS:GO and I have Astro a50's and my mic started to die, so i put the charger in it and then when i came back my friends in Teamspeak told me that my voice was weird, and when I did a microphone check it was robotic. So I switched over to my Astro's for now but does anyone here know a fix for it?

[Software] IdleKey - Dim / Edit the lighting of your Keyboard when it's not in use!

To Admin/Mods: I hope this is the right place for this thread, thought it would fit best here ^^

Hello Everybody!

Today, I have a really nice piece of software for you:


So, you might ask yourself now, what is IdleKey?

IdleKey is a tool I created, that allows you to automaticly have the profiles of your Corsair RGB Keyboard switched when you are away for x minutes. You can set up to 3 profiles, that IdleKey should switch through one after annother to while you are away, so you could dim down the brightness of your keyboard every 30 mins and after 1 1/2 hours, you could turn off the lighting completely. Or you could switch through 3 profiles, to show off your epic keyboard!


- No key-remaps needed, you will have all keys available as normally

- Auto Switchback to your normal profile as soon as you move your mouse / type

- Configure up to three profiles that should be switched to after x minutes

- x minutes can be between 1 and 1440 minutes (1min - 1 day)

- Watch movies and films uninterrupted - No distrackting windows on your screen, you won't even notice IdleKey kicking in!

- Trayicon - Don't have you taskbar spammed, IdleKey will hide in a clean looking trayicon

- Easy setup - Even Monkeys could do it!


1. Download IdleScreen

2. Create an empty folder whereever you like it and where is doesnt annoy you

3. Unpack all files from to your folder

4. In the CUE, edit the settings of the profile you want to have activated first when you are afk

5. Check "Link profile to program"

6. Click Browse, browse to the folder you've created and select "ProfilEXE1.exe" and click ok

7. (Optional) Repeat Step 4-6 again for the second and third profile you want to have activated. Make sure to link to the corresponding ProfilEXE file (ProfilEXE2.exe and ProfilEXE3.exe)

8. Doubleclick IdleKey.exe

9. Edit the timer settings as you want them. You can change these later.

10. Activate the bottom two checkboxes, if you want IdleKey to start with windows. You can change these later.

11. Click "Save Settings" and "Enable IdleKey"

12. You are done! You can edit all settings later by doubleclicking the trayicon. Make sure to re-enable IdleKey afterwards, as it is paused as soon as you open the GUI!


IdleKey Settings GUI

IdleKey while working - Enjoy your films and videos without annoying popup-windows to trigger the CUE


You can download IdleKey from the attached files. If you are curious about viruses, here are virustotal checks for IdleKey.exe and all ProfilEXE files:

IdleKey.exe, ProfilEXE files

Bug tracker

Known Bugs: None

This is the first release of IdleKey and I didn't test EVERY possible error source. If you experience a crash, please consider posting following information here: Version (Current : v1.0), What did you do before the crash?, and please upload the file "config.ini" from your IdleKey folder in the attached files of your post. Thank you!

Thank you!

A big THANK YOU goes out to Skiddywinks, who had the original idea for this project. You can find his post here.

That's it for today.

I hope you like my work and be sure to at least try it out and leave your thoughts! :)

In this sense,

rgds, TheNyJan

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Corsair H2100 hissing and imbalanced ears

So i just got my new headset and plugged the dongle in, i initially had trouble installing the drivers but after getting them to work i discovered i had other problems. Every time i pause audio there will be a solid 5 seconds of a static hissing. My other problem is the left ear is noticeably louder than the right. i previously had a Corsair vengeance 2000 and had none of these problems.

Factory reset voyager air???


does any1 knows if theres a way to factory reset the disk?

Unreasonable requirement to de-cable PSU for return.

I am being required to de-cable my broken PSU before sending it in for RMA. This is not reasonable. I spent hours cabling up the PSU. I bought one with a modular cables for a reason.

Why is this unnecessary requirement being stuck too? Its not worth my time, Ill just buy a different PSU... This is in addition to forcing me to pay to return the PSU that you did not build correctly and not allowing any type of cross shipping....

Ticket Number 6564822

K70 RGB Just picked up Cherry MX Browns!

K70 RGB w/ Cherry MX Brown Switches just came in stock on Amazon.

+1 For Corsair customer support

I just got a k70 rgb for christmas and the stem on the insert keycap broke. I sent in a ticket explaining the issue and the response was "We usually do not have spare keys out, but I was able to ravage up a spare "Insert" key for you.". Thanks Corsair.

H105 connecting the pump



How should I connect the H105

Cpu_Fan: Y Splitter and 2 fans into it.

Cpu_Opt: H105 Pump.


Cpu_Fan: 1 Fan

Cpu_Opt: Header 1 Fan

Case_Fan1: H105 Pump


Cpu_Fan: 1Fan

Cpu_Opt Header: 1Fan

PSU -> Molex -> Molex To 3 Pin -> H105 Pump

With the first solution I am afraid that PWM will decrease speed of pump (?) (Especially that Cpu_Opt is a mirror of Cpu_Fan so if motherboard decides to lower rpm through PWM on Cpu_Fan, the Cpu_Opt would get the same thing and I know that pump must run on maximum voltage). Unless the Pump always takes 12V and doesn't respond to fourth PIN and ignores the PWM impulses?. Confuusing..

With second solution im not sure how it will work.. I could Max Out Voltage for the case fan header in Bios but if I ever reset bios settings and forget.. doesn't strike me as safe solution.

My motherboard will be ROG Maximus Hero VII

Requesting an RMA keeps redirecting me to Ask a Question

Already submitted but just asking if its fine.

how to connect h80i and axi760 to corsair link


I have tge h80i cooler which I have connected to the usb header on the motherboard, now I also have the axi 760 psu which also has a usb cable to connect to the motherboard, can't yhese two corsair link devices be daisy chained ir some thing and gave only one cable connecting to the motherboard usb header?

connect dominator platinum ddr4 to corsair link

hi guys,

i recently purchased the dominator platinum ddr 4 32 gb 4 x 8gb sticks (CMD32GX4M4A2666C15) now I can see it can be connected to corsair link.

I have the corsair h80i connected to corsair link and I have the axi 760 psu which can connect to corsair link. how can I connect these ram modules to corsair link? is there a special cable which I don't have that connects the dimm memory to the usb port like the h80i and the axi760. do you need another usb port? is it worth connecting them to corsair link? any useful information?

K95 RGB Not showing up in the device portion of the software cue

Please help. I have a k95 keyboard and it does not show up in the device area, any advice. I have already checked all connection.

Drivers not installing correctly?

So, I received my Corsair H2100 as a Christmas present, and I have been trying to researching my issue, but to no avail; there seems to be a plethora of people having similar, yet different issues. I at first had issues with the connectivity of the headset - as well as robotic voice issues - which I (and I have no idea how i did this) was able to fix that issue. But, whenever I plug in the receiver, i get the error stating that the HID interface driver could not be found. I then received another error when i plugged in the headset for its first charge. . . (see error 2). Also, after I fixed the connectivity issue, the sound just stopped working all together, it seems. I've checked my windows updates - its all updated and ready for use - I've cleaned the registry - I've even tried to start from scratch. Nothing here seems to work. Noting that I have already sent in a help ticket, but perhaps you guys could assist as well. . Help!!

Thanks guys.

Edit: I have an external sound system hooked up to the computer as well, but I have disabled it, so that shouldn't be the issue?

And the connection type I use is a Belkan USB - so perhaps its interfering with the wireless feature of the headset?

Edit 2: The sound doesn't work on the headphones, but it shows up in the sound control - as if it does

Happy Holidays!

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K70 RGB Idle profile? Maybe link a profile to some process that activates on idle?

I really like the idea of a profile that plays while I am away from the keyboard, and ends once I make any kind of action.

I was hoping there would be some similar built in functionality but I couldn't find anything. So the only thing I can think of is maybe using Task Manager or something to run some useless program on idle that can be used to trigger an idle profile in CUE.

Anyone have any thoughts or know where to point me towards?

K70 RGB Decent static profiles?

I was just wondering what to do with the onboard profile that is active after you turn the PC on but before CUE kicks in. I had a quick look around and couldn't find any profiles nor even ideas. Also I am woefully lacking in creativity so would only depress myself with anything I came up with.

Has anyone seen any decent examples?

Vengeance 2100 issue with dongle?

Hi all,

Looking for advice/help with my vengeance 2100 headset.

The headset has worked fine up until this morning, the problem seems to be the usb dongle I think.... Basically once the pc is turned on the dongle is constantly on (blue led) I've tried switching it on and off using the headset as normal to no avail. I have tried various usb ports and reset on the dongle. It never returns to flashing.

Does anyone know what this could be or if it is Infact a dongle issue? I have opened a ticket already but if I can save the extra ticket on staff especially this time of year I will :)

Huge fan of corsair I have all the vengeance set and previously owned the 2000 headset but seem to have issues only with headsets is this just my bad luck?

Thanks in advance


Another H100i not showing in C-Link

Yesterday I received a new H100i as an RMA replacement for a dead pump H100. I installed it & booted into Windows. I downloaded and installed the latest version of C-Link (2.7 something). Following install, it launched automatically, prompted me to update the firmware, and also said that it needed to reboot my system. I clicked reboot later, and started the firmware update. I didn't see any confirmation that this succeeded, but did see some prompt from Windows about whether I wanted to allow Corsair Link to control devices (which I clicked yes). In C-Link, I was able to see fan indicators for the 2 radiator fans, and temps for various parts of my system. I don't recall seeing indicators for the pump itself or somewhere to change the LEDs. I messed around in C-Link a bit, then remembered I needed to reboot. After reboot, none of the H100i stuff (including fans I previously saw) showed up in C-Link. I also had a CPU Fan Error message from the BIOS, but from what I understand that's normal: you don't want the BIOS adjusting the radiator fans and need it running at max (so changed BIOS to ignore).

I've tried swapping USB ports on the motherboard (but not an external USB yet - didn't have a cable at home), unplugged the only other motherboard USB header (Carbide 500R front USB3 connector, which uses different header type), uninstalled Asus AI Suite mobo software, and un/re-installed Link. The H100 CPU block is lighting up red, the fans are spinning, I see other devices in Link (CPU, GPU, SSDs, etc.) and my CPU core temp is fine (18c idle), so it appears the device is working from a hardware perspective.

Any ideas? I'm running Windows 7 64-bit. The rest of my system details should be in my profile. I want to get it showing in Link because right now the fans are running full blast even idle, and super noisy.

[K65/70/95] Tactical DayZ Profile (TheNyJan's Gaming Profiles)

Hello Everybody!

First off, thank you for your interest in my profile! :)

I am TheNyJan and this is the first Profile of my new series "TheNyJan's Gaming Profiles", where I will create K65/70/95 RGB Profiles that aren't meant to look absolutely awesome but assist you gamers out there in every possible way while playing games, having all (or as many as possible) informations about your game literally at your fingertips! The profiles will be optimized for each game individally, so you don't have to do the work yourself!

This is my first Profile, a gaming profile that is designed around DayZ Standalone. (You can also use it for the mod, but not all keys will be lighted up correctly!) In the following Video, you can learn everything you need to know / see about this Profile, so have fun watching it :)

Please watch the Video until the end to see all functions :)

Music by Cleptomanics92 @ YouTube


Important: If you want to change the lengh of the Reload Animation or turn it off completely, you can do so!

Changing duration: Under Lighting search for "Reload" (it also states my name in the notes), edit it and edit the duration.

Turn it off: If you find the animation distracting or you just don't like it, go to profiles, select "DayZ" in the dropdown menu, select the tab "Assignments" if it's not already selected, rightclick the "R"-Button and click "Reset to default". Voila!


Note: If you have switched the Space / V Keybindings (Space = Jump, V = Lift / Lower weapon), then you can use this profile without editing by downloading the Space Remap version.



This Profile should be compatible with ALL K65, ALL K70 and ALL K95 layouts. If your layout ist not supported out of the box, please notify me or fix it directly and send the fixed profile to me, so I can add it here! Thanks!

Standart Download:

"" in Attached Files

// Normal download

Make sure to read all 4 "Important:" and "Note:" Notes in my post before downloading!

Space Remap Download:

"" in Attached Files

// See note above


Important: In this Profile, some key inputs are actually emulated by the driver. If a key keeps sending input althrough it is not physically activated, just press it again to send annother key release event to the system. (This should fix the problem)

Important: This profile is linked to DayZ by default, but since my DayZ isn't installed in the standart location, you'll probably have to correct the linked application in the profile settings. Go the the location, where DayZ is installed and select "DayZ.exe", then click ok.


If you have any wishes for changes or suggestions for future-profiles, let me know down in the comments!

Thank you for reading all of this!

Regards, TheNyJan

PS: The next Profile will probably be a BF4 one!

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Corsair 760T, Meshgitter bei Lieferung defekt

Hi zusammen,

habe leider auch ein Problem.

Habe mir heute beim Händler meines Vertrauens das 760T in Schwarz gekauft.

Leider habe ich dann zuhause (ein paar KM weiter weg), festgestellt, dass das MESH vorne oben gebrochene Nasen hat.

Leider hat der Händler keine mehr auf Lager und ich möchte ungern warten um das Gehäuse mit meinem MORA3 PRO umbauen.

Wenn Corsair mir hier eine unkomplizierte Ersatzlieferung des MESH anbietet, würde ich gerne direkt mit dem restlichen Umbau anfangen wollen, da das restliche Gehäuse soweit ich es bisher überprüfen konnte tadellos im Bestzustand zu sein scheint.

Ein Ticket habe ich dazu schon eröffnet, ich dachte fragen kostet ja nichts =)

Rechnung ist von vor ca 2 Stunden.

Ein Bild davon habe ich direkt mal angehängt, man sieht hoffentlich genau was ich meine.



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AX850 - Computer Won't Boot / MB Lights On


My specs are included in my profile.

I'm writing this today because, since yesterday, i've been trying to power up my machine, but it just won't! I use an APC Power Saving Back-UPS Pro 1500 to protect me against everything, so i'm not sure what could be causing my problem. It's as follows:

-Flip switch on the back of the PSU

-Lights inside the case come on

-Press the Power button

Nothing happens. I have built this computer more than a year and ago, so i'm confident enough to say that there's no misplaced cable inside or anything. The thing used to work fine until yesterday, now it won't power on.

Any ideas?

My replacement part turned up, the condition is so poor you wouldn't believe.

Bare in mind this 650D door panel is a replacement for a previous replacement that also arrived with a heavily scratched window, i can't even use the perspex window as that's heavily warped. Judging by this replacement and my previous one i'd hazard a guess that nobody is checking any parts before they are dispatched to make sure they are ok, i don't think this was done during shipping as the panel sits in the centre of the box in a protective cradle and the box is generally in very good shape and solid with no crush marks.

corsaire water cooler

just bought a cosaire water cooler of my m8 he had it on a q6600 lga 775 and I want to put it on a 2500k will it fit only got the adapter tht it was with on lga 775

Netzteil RM650 Schaltet ab

Hallo zusammen

Ich habe gestern endlich mein neues Netzteil erhalten, Corsair RM 650.

Macht einen super Eindruck. Aber seit gestern Abend schaltet er sich einfach ab, ohne dass Windows herunter fährt.

Ich höre ein schalten im Netzteilgehäuse und schaltet einfach ab, alle 1 Stunde einmal. Danach kann ich den PC nicht einfach per Knopfdruck hochfahren, sondern ich muss zuerst das Netzteil ausschalten am hinteren Schalter und dann wieder einschalten.

Dann dauerts wieder ca. 1 Stunde bis zum nächsten Fall.

Netzteil defekt? An der wärme kann es nicht liegen, das Gehäuse wird nicht warm auch höre ich den Ventilator nicht.

PC wird auch nicht belastet.

Bin euch dankbar für jede Hilfe!!

Commander mini and h100 problem.

Hello guys..

I just bought the commander mini. The h100 is about 2 years old. but after install (2,7,5361) the software wanted to update the h100 so i did after that the fans go to 100% and stay there. Icant find the h100 in corsair link software. and the led on the commander mini is flashing red and green? i am' running win7 64 bit.

I have tryed disconnecting all fans and temp probes, no result

I have tryed software 2,6 and 2,5, no result.

I have tryed switching to another usb on my motherboard

Siv i saying

H60 - buy longer tubes?

Hi. New comer here.

I bought a h60 for my htpc, but it doesn't fit where you'd normally put it. I have fractal node 605 case.

I can mount it elsewhere but I'd need longer hoses. Am I able to mod the h60 and put longer hoses on it?

I know I'd be voiding warranty.

lundi 29 décembre 2014

RGB software

Is that software compatible with the K95 non-RGB? The software I'm using now is so...ancient and difficult to use

CX430 compatibility with HP envy

Hi guys and girls, I have a CX430 thats never been used and want to use it in an HP envy H8-1417C but I've noticed that while the stock psu has a 4 pin connector for the motherboard the CX430 does not. What kind of issues will I be looking at if I don't have this connector and instead rely on the main connector?

K70 RGB Rainbows All Around (K70 Profile)

My first creation! I know it is not great, but I thought some of you might like to see it. It has a rainbow waves going in diagonal directions from the centre of the keyboard and has a rainbow 'typing' mode. Feedback would be nice! :D:

Thanks, vFMXv.

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Commander Mini showing wrong number of fans

My commander mini set up has had a handful of issues.

1). It's not detecting the rgb lighting strip so I'm stuck with white (it sometimes changes to red on system shutdown:confused:)

2). On the link GUI it is showing 3 fans for the commander mini and they are flashing red with no rpm. However there is only one fan plugged in (AP120 Performance).

After tinkering for an afternoon I'm happy that Windows is detecting both units properly and I can at least change the 100hi LED but figuring out this fan deal (and ultimately the LED strip) would be awesome.

System is an i5-2500k/Asus Gene Z

Vengeance 1500 7.1 Headset killing Keyboard Function

Hey guys, let me just begin to explain to you guys what happens.

My computer starts and detects both my mouse, keyboard and headset fine. They all work fine. However, as soon as my computer plays sound through my headset, my keyboard functionality immediately stops, in all ways, I can't even set the brightness on the keyboard or do anything except fiddle with the BIOS Switch. I have tested it and narrowed it down to it only being the headset, by typing while switching my "default device" for sound from my headset to my speakers and as soon as the sound comes through my speakers, keyboard functionality immediately returns. I can also stop whatever application is playing sound and my keyboard is fine, however, for the duration that sound is played through my headset, my keyboard will not work in any way shape or form.

Keyboard: Corsair Vengeance K70 Cherry MX Red Fully mechanical.

Mouse: Corsair Vengeance M95.

Headset: Corsair Vengeance 1500 7.1 Dolby headset.

Explanation of my currently installed drivers and system setup. I have the M95 drivers installed, updated and completely set up. I have checked and re-checked that all my keyboard "auto-install" drivers are done and working fine, by going through my entire device manager. I have installed the on-site drivers for my 1500 headset aswell and fully set it up.

Stuff I've done to try and solve it is reinstall every single driver associated with the problem items numerous times, I have checked device manager over and over, deleted hidden non-detected devices, reinstalled and everything, not in a single stage of installation of drivers, built-in or downloaded from the sites did this problem disappear. I have swapped the USB ports that they're plugged into every single combination on the back of my case. I have checked my BIOS to make sure everything is okay there. I have tried MANY other sound devices and ALL of them have no affect on my keyboard and I have also tried another keyboard and it never lost functionality to my headset, for a time though my headset used to interfere with the functionality of my mouse.

Basically I have eliminated all the variables and the only constant that remains is my headset, since if I plug it out it does not raise a single issue with my setup. The problem is either with the drivers, when they're active, but I struggle to see that being a possibility, since the K70 has built-in drivers. The only other option is that the PC might confuse the output signal to the headset with the input signal of the keyboard, meaning they can't do both at the same time, but is that even possible? Considering they are using 2 different USB ports.

I have been searching the entire day and only managed to find a single case of someone with my exact same issue.

However, it seems that he was never truly assisted with his issue.

Please help me with this, I really like Corsair products since their quality is simply unparalleled, I do not want to return these headies.

CUE Not Detecting Keyboard

I just received my keyboard today and have been having my share of problems. First off, my system specs:

GPU : AMD Radeon HD 8570D

CPU : AMD A8-6500 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics

Memory : 8.00 GB RAM (7.19 GB usable)

Current resolution : 1600 × 900, 60 Hz

Operating system : Microsoft Windows 8.1

I have a Vengeance k70 RGB keyboard. Model CH-9000063-NA

At first, when I plugged ion the keyboard, I got a an error in device manager about the keyboard not being recognized. Thankfully, I am no longer getting that error. I assume I plugged in the cables backwards.

Now, however, the latest version of CUE refuses to open. The task just outright kills its self after ~2 seconds of uptime. The CUE icon will remain in the taskbar until I hover over it, however.

I think it should be noted that I've disabled all software loading at boot, including CUE.

To fix this problem, in no particular order, I:

Uninstalled and re-downloaded CUE.

Tried to repair the installation.

Re-installed the software and performed a warm boot

Re-installed the software and performed a cold boot

Deleting the %APPDATA% folder for corsair and reinstalling

I've noticed that CUE tends to leave Windows installer processes open and sometimes freezes up on "Creating shortcuts."

Then, I tried downloading an older version of the RGB software. It was version 1.2.77. This version at least starts, but after ~10 seconds it switches over to a screen with a keyboard on it and then the process is killed.

To fix this problem I've tried:

Using USB 3.0 instead of 2, making sure to plug in the side with the keyboard icon on it.

Using different ports.

Unplugging my mouse.

Using *both* sides of the cable in USB 3.0 ports

Using 1 side in 2.0 (The side with 2 arrows) and the other in 3.0

Vice versa

Reinstalling CUE

A few warm boots

A few cold boots

Repairing the CUE installation

Using every setting on the DIM switch on the back (Including BIOS mode)

Deleting the %APPDATA% folder for Corsair and reinstalling

Again, nothing. If I unplug the keyboard, CUE stays open and requests that I plug in a keyboard. If I plug in the keyboard either of the proper ways, it stays open for ~10 seconds and then switches over to a tab with a keyboard on it, and then the process dies.

I have no idea what to do to get this keyboard to work. I love the feel, and typing is fine. The backlight works, and I can cycle through it (Unless I open CUE).

Could anyone help me? Attached is the tmp.log log file.

Attached Files

File Type: txt temp.txt (2.2 KB)

Massive Hitzeprobleme mit H100i

Habe nun seit gut einem halben jahr die oben genannte Kühlung verbaut, soweit war alles top, seit zwei tagen macht sie mir ordentlich stress, da sie plötzlich scheinbar so warm wird das mein rechner sogar runter fährt, ob die pumpe funzt kann ich nicht sagen, war bisher nie wirklich hörbar, kann nur sagen, das mein unterer schlauch warm bis sehr warm wird und der obere richtig kalt bleibt, nun stellt sich mir die frage ob ich nun davon ausgehen kann, das die pumpe ein ding weg hat und ich die einschicken muss oder ob das auch an etwas anderem liegen kann, wenn ich einschicken muss, dann über meinen händler oder direkt über corsair, weil wenn über corsair, ich mir erstma ne neue rechnung vom händler drucken lassen muss :-P

hoffe um schnelle hilfe, brauche den rechner täglich und muss sehen das dat ding läuft.

THX schonma im vorraus

P.S.: werde mir morgen den schrottigen Boxed wieder draufhaun, kann so nich arbeiten ^^

AX1200 sleeved cable set work with AX760i?

As the title says, will the sleeved cable set for the ax1200 work with the ax760i? Everything I have read says no, but if that is the case, why? What is so different about the pin out between the ax1200 and the ax760i that causes the cables to be incompatible with each other? Also, if no one has a definitive answer...what would happen if I used the cables with my ax760i but they weren't compatible? Would I fry my PSU?

Why do all the PC tool kits suck?

So my cousin is getting into computers and I wanted to get him a basic set of tools to get him started. I looked around at various so-called PC tool kits and they all appear to have been put together by people who have never worked on a computer before. I saw one from Rosewill with a hammer in it. :bigeyes: Seriously? When am I ever going to hammer a PC? How was a hammer a bigger priority than a PSU tester? As far as I can tell a decent PC tool kit doesn't exist and I'll just have to make one myself for him. If I had the money I'd start a PC tool kit company. I'd have a functional monopoly since I'd be the only one selling a half way decent one. Anyway, sorry for my rant. I can't be the only one who's noticed this though, right?

Crackling and Choppy/Stuttering Sound with H1500

I recently got the H1500, and during most games such as Warframe when about 80-90% of my CPU or RAM is being used my frame rate will drop and the sound will not completely cut out, but stutters, there is crackling and popping in both ears, and the slower my frame rate the worse it gets. I recently switched to this headset and my old one did not do anything like it.

I also saw a fix where you could change the audio quality from CD to DVD, but when I try to do anything in "advanced options" in playback devices for my headset my computer blue-screens and crashes.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks

Massive Probleme mit H100i

Habe nun seit gut einem halben jahr die oben genannte Kühlung verbaut, soweit war alles top, seit zwei tagen macht sie mir ordentlich stress, da sie plötzlich scheinbar so warm wird das mein rechner sogar runter fährt, ob die pumpe funzt kann ich nicht sagen, war bisher nie wirklich hörbar, kann nur sagen, das mein unterer schlauch warm bis sehr warm wird und der obere richtig kalt bleibt, nun stellt sich mir die frage ob ich nun davon ausgehen kann, das die pumpe ein ding weg hat und ich die einschicken muss oder ob das auch an etwas anderem liegen kann, wenn ich einschicken muss, dann über meinen händler oder direkt über corsair, weil wenn über corsair, ich mir erstma ne neue rechnung vom händler drucken lassen muss :-P

hoffe um schnelle hilfe, brauche den rechner täglich und muss sehen das dat ding läuft.

THX schonma im vorraus

HXi Series HX750i For My Dell XPS 8700


Hope i can get some immediate help here. I want to install the Gforce GTX 970

Graphic Card in my Dell XPS 8700, but it only has a 460W PSU. I need 500W so was looking to install at least 750W a I am covered for future needs.

I need to know if the HXi Series HX750i by Corsair will fit in the XPS 8700 case ok. Does anyone know for sure that it fits in this case? Really Need to know.

Trying to talk to Dell people is really difficult. Sighs.



CS450M Question

I can't find any visual guide or anything of exactly where to plug in the modular wires. This is my first modular power supply so any help is appreciated. I see the 8 pin for PCI-E is the only one that's easy to figure out, but where do I put the molex and Sata power cables? There's 3 more 6 pin connectors and 3 more cords, but which goes where?

h80i cpu block orientation on intel 5930k socket 2011-v3


I am trying mount the h80i cpu block on the intel 5930k socket 2011-v3, now in the instructions it says rotate the cpu block till the standoffs align, the thing is they always line up whether you have the cpu block straight or at 90 degrees. it is basically a square socket, which ever way you turn it the standoffs lighn ip with the retaining clip. has anyone mounted the h80i on the intel 5930k on a socket 2011-v3 x99 motherboard? I don't want yo get it wrong and get bad temps. aldo tge pipes are very very stiff it is hard work trying to bend them to mount the cpu block.

K95 Ch-9000081-uk vs ch-9000020-uk

Anyone know what the exact difference is between these two models? The only difference I can see is different logo's "Corsair" VS "Corsair Gaming"

What keycaps are on the K70 RGB?

What keycaps are on the K70 RGB? ABS?

Corsair 600T Glasscheibe an der Seite

Heyho Corsair Community!

Ich besitze nun seit 24 Monaten das Corsair 600T in der Special Edition White. Zwar ist es vom DHL Transport zu (nach einem großen Kurzschluss) ziemlich verzogen und die Lüftersteuerung funktioniert nicht mehr, aber es sieht immer noch schön aus.. Nun hatte ich lange Zeit in der rechten Seite das Gitter drinnen, möchte allerdings jetzt aufgrund zu viel Staub wieder Zum Glas wechseln. Aber leider passen alle Schrauben nicht mehr, ich kries einfach nicht mehr eingebaut.. Im Internet habe ich nichts gefunden und eine Bedienungsanleitung gibts ja auch nicht. Kann mir bitte irgendjemand weiterhelfen?

Lg. Sazoga

M95 Stupid Question?

Hi there!

I've never had a super complicated mouse before, my previous mouse is the Corsair M45. Which I love, however I wanted a second mouse to replace this as I felt like I was overdue and upgrade. Bought myself an M95 Vengeance for Christmas however I've hit a few teething issues. (Or just me being a complete moron issues)

Basically when I plug in the M95 and let it auto install it works okay as long as i'm using 1 program, however when I say minimize this window i'm typing in, it won't let me select the program on my explorer window. - It seems to lock to one program at a time, which is an issue with me as I run many games at the same time and am constantly switching between them. - The way I fix this is to alt tab to the program or to get to task manager before i'm able to use the explorer bar again.

I also have an issue where it believes the middle mouse button is pressed in, upon clicking a tab it closes, and opening new links opens them on new tabs.

Weirdly I only seem to have this problem on my PC, as I've tried it in my laptop and the 1st problem still occurs but this one does not. - (However after typing this it seems to have now gone away so we'll park this for now.)

I've spent a while looking online to try and resolve this issue but can't seem to find any clear answers.

I've tried installing the software and doing the firmware updates but it didn't do any good. So I decided to make this post and have a fresh start, so as it stands all I've done is plug it in and let the windows auto-install happen.

Any advice would be much appreciated as I really do love the feel of the mouse, it is certainly an upgrade to the M45, I just need to learn a few things to fix it.

Thanks in advance!

Belgian Azerty - K70 with Cherry MX brown

Is Corsair planning to make a K70 with Cherry MX brown switches in a Belgian Azerty layout? According to a webshop you can pre-order one for delivery in january. Can you confirm the Azerty Belgium K70 with brown switchers is coming out? (link webshop:

is one fan enough for h80i or you need push/pull

hi guys,

I've run into problems whilst fitting the h80i in tge apevia x-dreamer 4 case. first of all I am using the corsair quiet edition high static pressure fans, now if I attempt to mount the second fan to get push/pull configuration, I cannot access 3 of the ddr4 dimm sockets, I have 8 dimms sockets, 4 on each side of the processor, and I have 4 8gb sticks. where the recommended placement of 4 sticks is every other socket, not one after the next ( if you know what I mean). Another problem is that the 20cm blue led side cannot fit with this additonal push fan. this is a shame cause this 20 cm fan is quiet and does seem to intake a good amount of air. I could mount a 12 cm side fan lower down but it wouldn't be the same.

my question is does push pull make alot of difference to temp or could I get away by just using one fan on the rear exhaust chassis followed by the radiator without another push fan?

now I could mount the radiator at the bottom of the case as I have a fan mount there as well but then I might run in to problems with the pipes going over the pcie sockets, might make grahics card installations difficult . so I need your advice guys. what can I do?

Vengeance 1500v1 (and others) Advice

Seems that not only myself are having issues with the 2.0.35 drivers. After installing them the 3d positioning on them was fantastic. Sound quality not so much....

Compared to the 1.1.1 drivers, the sound is tinny and distorted, like the quality has taken a severe drop.

There are a few ways to get round thid. Changing output to DVD quality helped a little, but not too much in my instance :/. I was using 1.1 on windows 7, but since I made the jump to windows 8.1, it really doesnt want to use the old version.

There is a way round this, run the 1.1.1 installer in Windows 7 Compatibility mode.

That should get you to where you need to be.

Going back to 1.1.1 The sound quality is tremendous, Compared to 2.0.35, instead of DVD quality, you can get studio quality 32 bit 96000hz! Couldnt get this with the new drivers. The difference between DVD quality and Studio on 1.1.1 is minimal but noticeable. The DVD quality compared from 1.1.1 to 2.0.35 is worlds apart. Hopefully this will be something Corsair can look into.

Till then I reccommend to use Studio 96K till the next drivers are solid. Also I found this setup gave me the nicest sound in nearly all forms in 7.1.

Just some suggestions that might help other 1500 users out there, and also sound suggestions for other headset owners :)


domination competition prizes

Delete thread. I didn't realize the domination section was moved down on the main forum page.

Corsair, update the drivers please

Corsair, please fix drivers for 1500. The sound is too loud, i can clearly hear on 0% sound and the mic is so silent that my friends can't hear me below 90-100% mic sens on win 8.1.

Please do it faster, because i can see the drivers are old!!!

hx850i vs 860i

i have 3 questions. i just ordered the hx850 (will probably ship today), but i am still not sure if i made the right decision, though from all my research they seem extremely similar.

1) will either install the same with a h100i, their pics seem like they each have different corsair link connections? as in plug into the h100i block the same? (i only have 2 usb headers and they are already being used, 1 by the h100i and the other by my front panel)

1a) is their a guide for a proper installation of either of these units with the h100i?

2) whats the difference between the 2 PSU's? is the AX series really that much better then the HX?

i know the 860i has the following over the hx850i, am i missing anything

1) 860 has japanese caps

2) 860 is smaller

3) 860 has 10 more watts


1) the 850 has fluid bearings (vs dual ball)(i am assuming fluid is better since the higher end units have that)

2) its $70 cheaper

did i make the best decision going with the hx? it came out to like $125 after rebates and tax/shipping. the ax860i will come out to $195 (not sure if its worth the $70 more)

if i am planning to overclock are either ok for my rig? i can also get the hx1000i for $144, but i dont know if its worth it right now.

Kabel für HX750i und HX750


Mein Bruder hat über Ebay ein fast neues HX750i Netzteil erworben, jedoch fehlt jeweils ein PCI-E Stromkabel und ein Powerkabel für Festplatten und Laufwerke.

Da ich noch einige Kabel meines normalen HX750 herumliegen habe, möchte ich fragen ob diese auch für das HX750i passen?



4 GB instead of 6 GB

Hello all,

I almost searched entire internet to get the solution for my problem,but still i couldn't get it , hope you guys ll provide me some solution.

Here goes my Problem, i have Gigabyte X58 motherboard with 6 GB of ram installed ie corsair CM3x2G1600C8D but my bios detect only 4 GB of ram instead of 6 GB ,bt my OS say i got 6 GB installed but only 4 GB is usable, i tired everything ie i checked memory limit at MSconfig , i checked every single ram , i have updated my motherboard bios , OS says 2 Gb is hardware reserved , i even checked for faulty processor and socket.

Please please provide some valuable suggestions.

Advice on lighting effect

I have attached a profile I downloaded from a post on this forum. I am trying to tweak it to my liking but there is one thing I cannot work out. On the attached profile pressing Q W E make the whole keyboard flash white.

However I cannot work out where this effect is defined. Its not on the profile key lighting, and if I right click to edit the lighting there is no option to edit so as far as I am aware no effect is set up, and the keys are not in groups. Could any one take a look and tell me how this is set up.


Attachment 20243

Attached Files

File Type: prf League of Legends (Flash on F) K70.prf (112.5 KB)

CORSAIR 900D ~ "The White"


This is the little work I've done with my beloved 900D.

CORSAIR 900D "The White"

A year ago came to my house:

And finished turned into this:


CPU Intel® Core™ i7-3930K



SAMSUNG SSD 840 Pro Series 256 GB






GPU WATERBLOCKS - 2 x KRYOGRAPHICS GTX 680 + Backplates + SLI Bridge Kryoconnect

PUMP - Laing D5 + Bitspower Mod Kit

RESERVOIR - EK RES X3 250 Advanced


FANS - 10 x Noiseblocker NB-eLoop B12-2




LIQUID - Mayhems Pastel UV White

Checking watercooling parts:

And checking hardware befor the final mount:

Mounting work:

Drain outside the tower:

Placing custom mid-plate and bezel with "Corsair" logo:

Finishing touches:


Coloured flavors:

It's nothing special or complicated but has a lot of work and i'm satisfied with the result.

Greetings to all, i hope you like it and have fun watching this litle work... :):