samedi 24 mai 2014

Forced firmware update?

Dear all,

After updating to 2.5.5145 the CorsairLink software asked me to update the firmare.. Now my Cooling Node is detected as a Lighting Node.. (Found out by connecting them one-by-one).

My theory is that 2.5.5145 installed the Lighting Node firmware on the Cooling Node by mistake. :confused:

Downloaded the CorsairLinkCoolingFW_1.2.5.s19, trying to flash the Cooling Node again with the 2.2.0 version of the software, but it keeps on telling me "The Firmware file selected is not correct!" :mad:

Is there a way to force the firmware to be flashed to the device, skipping what I think is a savety check in the updating tool?

B.T.W. I am not sure the issue is related, but the IndexOutOfRangeException issue could be caused by strange values from the Cooling Node that thinks he is a Lighting Node? :bigeyes:

Thanks in advance!

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