mardi 2 décembre 2014

Corsair Voyager GTX 128GB Firmware Update

Hi everyone, I recently purchased a new Flash Voyager GTX 128GB USB drive, and one of my computers is giving me sporadic freezing problems with the flash drive, this is when when running in UAS mode in Windows 8.1 on a USB 2.0 controller.

Corsair SSD toolbox shows a firmware upgrade, but the version number is confusing, please see my attached screenshot.

Should I apply this upgrade, and is it an actual upgrade?

Why does one end in 1T9 and the new one in 1.7, is 1T9 an early testing build, which is newer?

I will obviously apply it on the computer that is NOT giving me any problems to avoid bricking the disk.

Attached Images

File Type: jpg SSD Toolbox capture.jpg (167.8 KB)

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