mercredi 25 juin 2014

H100i Retail SP120 PWM HP buzz/chirp

I am at a loss of word at the moment. I recently RMA'd two, not one, sets of Corsair SP120 PWM HP fans (twin packs, 4 fans total). I have them connect on my H100i for push pull. The reason I RMA'd them was because both of them were making a chirping kind of sound.

Anyways, I received the new sets today, and set them up to my H100i. Im still having the same issue. In fact, its the same position that I was having problems for the first fans. Its the top left fan location on my h100i that keeps making the sound. I have a 750d case.

I have even tried to plug both in to my mobo fan headers (Asus VI Hero), and still same issue. This is already my third H100i, AND I AM NOT PAYING TO SHIP IT BACK.

It seems that it only "hums" and "chirps" when my fans are around the 1300-1400 RPM mark.

My only guess is that it isn't the fans, but the H100i. Because of the issue, Amazon had refunded me 20%, but im still at a loss of word, because I cant stop the sound. Sould I just ask Amazon to get an exchange? I RMA'd my first h100i (broken fan controller... through corsair), and the screw holes on the rad were stripping on the second one (RMA through amazon). However, because I was over the 30 days, Amazon made me reorder so I could get my third one. Now, I believe my third one is going bad. I just don't know what to do.

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