jeudi 1 janvier 2015

Commander Mini Issues

I've been using a Corsair H80i with no issues on Windows 8.1 x64

Recently added a AX860i & Commander Mini.

Both devices (H80i & AX860i) are connected to the Commander Mini.

Since then Corsair Link has been acting funny.

It detects all Corsair link devices. However I don't see any stats such as RPM,Temp, etc. Randomly upon reboot I will find the stats for H80i.

When I reboot again, I might see stats for my fans/commander and not see H80i stats any more. Sometimes I don't see any stats. As of now I don't see any H80i devices on my dashboard and all the other devices such as commander mini LED, Temp, Fans have no data.

All the fan RPM's are currently are displayed as zero.

Would greatly appreciate your help & advise.

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