mardi 30 septembre 2014

250D M-atx?

Are there any plans of Corsair coming out with a M-atx version of the 250D?

I really hope so as I like the style of the 250d.

Vengeance 1400

I've noticed Amazon is now selling a new version of Vengeance 1400 (Model #CA-9011123-NA-Y). Does anyone know what the difference is between this new version and the old one? I just purchased the old Vengeance 1400 and am curious to know if I'm missing out something that might've been fixed or tweaked. Thanks for the help.

Need help with H2100

I've been at it for an hour and I can't get these things working. I followed the instructions and downloaded the software but nothing happens. When I use the volume scroll it shows the volume changing. I don't get what I'm doing wrong here. Anyone set these things up before? It works when I run a test in Windows. Win 7 64 bit. But I can't hear music, or games, or anything.

K70 RGB Profile Request

I have not yet gotten my K70 RGB but am looking forward to getting it sometime within the next week. I was simply wondering if someone had the time maybe they could create a profile for me. I have watched some videos but haven't been able to try and make my own yet due to not having the keyboard. I am looking for a profile were the 2 border rows around the keyboard flash red and blue to look like police lightbar if you are looking down on it. Also if possible make it so the spacebar section moves from 1 side to the other or waves from middle out to look like a traffic advisor. If possible I ould like for the flashes to be some what fast. Below is an image of the areas that should be lite. Thank you for taking your time to read this and thank you if you attempt to make this profile.

Flash Video:

Vengeance 2100 : left ear sounds quiet


I just received my new Vengeance 2100. However, the left audio seems to be pretty quiet compared to the right audio.

There is no crackling sound or anything, it just seems pretty low.

It's pretty much like listening to an iPod with the left earbud muffled by some tape. (best image I can come up with)

When i test each side separately, it seems fine. But when I turn on some music or a game, it is pretty noticeable.

Also, I'm using the lastest version of the Corsair Control Panel (2.0.35) and my driver version is, if it can be any useful.

Any way to fix that? Or is it simply a faulty headset and I should RMA?

Edit: Scratch that, totally missed the existing thread which is pretty recent. Getting an RMA anyways.

Keyboard seems slow?

Using any old reactive typing where the key you press changes a different color when you press it seems oddly slow, As if the keyboard itself cannot keep up.

I've attached the profile, not sure if the video will work, but please test this out, because if it's just need I'm going to need another keyboard unfortunately.

It's kinda loud so just mute it.

Attached Files

File Type: prf Reactive Typing Test.prf (396.5 KB)

H100i Fans initial current draw

Hello everyone,

I was looking to connect both of the stock h100i fans to my cpu fan header (1 amp header) using a pwm y-cable. I notice that each of the h100i fans draw 0.36 amps for a total of 0.72 amps. The only thing I was worried about was the initial current draw when the computer starts up. From what I understand, the current draw when the fans first start up is greater than the current they draw when under full load.

Does anyone know if the 0.36 amp specification for each fan is the max current that they draw on start up? Or is that the max current they use when under full load while the computer is already running?

Thank you

Sleep/Standby issues (K95)

I just installed my new RGB K95 and it replaced my old Logitach G15.

Now that I have it whenever I put my computer to sleep all the lights on the keyboard will stay lit. In addition, I can no longer use my keyboard to wake the computer as I did before. Also, I am using 2 USB 2.0 ports if it matters.

I checked in device manager under keyboards, but didn't find any that had the "Allow this device to wake the computer" option.

I don't think it is a BIOS setting as neither of these things were an issue with my previous Logitech keyboard.

Any thoughts or things you suggest I look into?


K70 RGB Firmware not updating

I recently picked up the K70 RGB keyboard and i installed the Corsair Utility Engine. It tells me to update the keyboards firmware which i follow the steps to do, but then it just says that it can't update. On top of that, it won't let me create a profile on the CUE so I can't actually mess around with the colors. I am able to type on the keyboard and it's lighting up the default red, but I can't figure out why the firmware won't update/why I can't create a profile or even click on it.

work on apple?

io am thinking about getting a k95, but, alas, i have an imac. can you 'program' the function keys/light patterns on a pc then move it to a mac, or, would it not work at all on a mac? thanks!


LUA Scripting for RGB lineup when?

Any ETA on when LUA scripting feature will be released?

K70 RGB EMP Profile

Name: EMP

Description: This profile runs through a rainbow wave across the entire keyboard. Once a key is pressed however a blue ripple is sent out and the keyboard goes dark for several seconds, eventually 'power' is restored and the keyboard goes back to its wave.



Attached Files

File Type: prf EMP.prf (325.6 KB)

K70 RGB EMP Profile

Name: EMP

Description: This profile runs through a rainbow wave across the entire keyboard. Once a key is pressed however a blue ripple is sent out and the keyboard goes dark for several seconds, eventually 'power' is restored and the keyboard goes back to its wave.



Attached Files

File Type: prf EMP.prf (325.6 KB)

Thread for all bugs with the K95/K70 RGB- Lets help get a bugfree produkt..

ok honestly there are so much bugs on a "KEYBOARD" that i cant belive it...

here is my short list..

"Left Shiftlock key"

if presst more then sometimes the light in the Upper right isnt working correctly anymore its perma lit... but the key still works as shiftlock... but the M1/M2/M3 arent working anylonger same goes for light and Windows Lock key or media keys...

Testing the ghosting like hammering with all hands on the keyboards sometimes couse the keyboard to lock itself and dont work any longer...

German layout is not working on the currently firmware..

H2100 Gaming Headset Windows Fehler Gerätetreiberinstallation

Hallo ich habe heute mein neues H2100 Headset bekommen und bin am verzweifeln Windows Gerätetreiberinstallation schlägt immer fehl und die software von der website 2.0.35 Version Öffnet sich erst garnicht und alles ist grau in meiner taskbar. Hab schon unterschiedliche usb ports ausprobiert für den dongle aber bringt keine veränderung...

Wäre toll wenn jemand tipps hätte um das problem einzudämmen.Wenn ich treiber in software verzeichniss an windows gebe schlägt installation trotzdem fehl....

K95 RBG - Not reacting to changes in software.

Hey Team,

I just opened my K95 and got everything hooked up. I installed the software and then updated the firmware as directed. I am still unable to change any of the profiles. As a test, I went in and modified the default profile lighting and none of the changes would roll out to the keyboard.

I even walked through the demo in the manual with 0 luck.

As a second test, I created my own profile. I could not even delete the 3 modes in the profile to create my own. Delete is present, it is just greyed out.

Looked through the forums and did not see anything quite like this. Any ideas as to what is going on here?

Addition: Upon installing the software, when it gets to installing the 2nd driver it crashes my system unless I unplug my CDROM

Windows 8.1 x64

Firmware: 1.12

K70 RGB - Different profile after screen locks

All is well with my K70 RGB (Browns). I have a great theme set and saved to memory.

However... after windows 8 64bit screensaver comes on and it locks the screen. My keyboard displays a completely different profile.

Any ideas?

Same G-Keys on all Profiles and Modes?

I got the K95 for it's G-Keys. I'm not even sure I'll ever use all 18, not to mention hundreds of macros.

I like to switch profiles and modes for different lighting setups, but I don't want to have to program the same 18 keys on every mode I make. Is there a way to make them always the same?

If not....Food for thought, Corsair.

Discuss Link Release Candidate v2.7.5361 here

This will be the official discussion thread for Release Candidate Version 2.7.5361.

Here's where you can get it.


Please Note you must delete any saved Profiles and uninstall the old version and reboot the system before you install the latest software.


  • Uninstall the Corsair Link software through Windows Control Panel

  • Go to file explorer, enable "Show hidden files, folder and drives"

  • Delete the following directory: C:\Users\"System name"\AppData\Roaming\Corsair

    (This directory is also used to store custom profiles for other Corsair products. You may want to save this directory on a different location so you won’t lose other profiles)

  • Restart your system

  • Install the new Corsair Link software

9/30/2014 - Corsair Link Software Update Release Candidate Version 2.7.5361

Change Log

  1. New firmware for Commander Mini (1.1.6) addressing thermistors not showing up.

  2. Changed “Check for Updates” process to show a dialog box stating all firmware is up to date instead of updating already up to date firmware on all devices.

  3. Updated “Contacts” section with working links to support and the main page.

  4. Addressed the icon positioning on the main tab when the window is resized so that icons do not end up outside the window.

  5. User should no longer be prompted to save the profile if no changes were made.

  6. .exe is now digitally signed.

  7. Tooltips settings are now saved and can be turned off.

Known Issues

  1. LED saved settings not persistent after restart if two of the colors are set to 0 (255, 0,0) New firmware revision to address issues will be available in a 2.8 release.

  2. On certain Intel motherboards (Z87/Z97) that use the Intel USB 3.0 drivers it is necessary to change the “Legacy USB Support” to Disabled in BIOS for detection of the H80i/H100i/Commander units.

  3. Compatibility - NZXT CAM driver package conflicts with AXi Series drivers needed for communication with the PSU.

If you'd like to report a bug, please respond to this thread in this format:

  1. Version of your Link software. NOTE: If you're not using v2.7.5361, please install it and see if the bug has been fixed.

  2. What version of Windows you're using.

  3. Summary - One line / sentence explaining the issue

  4. Detailed description of the issue - This part can be as long as you want. It should be detailed enough so that we can clearly identify the issue and attempt to replicate it.

  5. Attach photos of the issue to the post that help #4.

Uk k95 rgb

Just wondering about the K95 RGB with brown switches in the UK layout, it's listed on most sites that it's on as, of course, the UK layout. This is fine however in the images provided, it has what at first looks like a UK layout but with most of the symbols moved around and in different places to what they normally are and with extra A and O keys close to the enter key.. This seemed a little odd to me, is this just the picture and will it be a regular layout like what I'm used to or is this how it comes? Just making sure before the purchase :3

Thanks in advance and apologies if I seem scrubby and like I'm asking a stupid question here, new to this and learning as I go :)

K70 Silber defekte LED(s)

Moin Moin,

bei meiner K70 sind mittlerweile 10 LEDs defekt.

Die Tastatur wurde am 1.4.14 über Amazon gekauft, leider kann ich sie nicht mehr über Amazon direkt zurück schicken warum auch immer.

Nun habe ich ein Ticket direkt bei Corsair erstellt, meine frage dazu ist ob ich iwie Kaufdatum und Kaufort iwo nachtragen kann weil beim ticket schreiben geht es leider nicht und wenn man drauf geht steht da einfach nur ein Fragezeichen.

sonst eventuell noch tips was ich machen könnte ?



Downloads page is broken

Is there an ETA for when your downloads page will be available?

I just purchased a new keyboard and I've been trying for about an hour to get to the downloads page. It just times out and is not there.

I've tried:

3 different web browsers, same result

rebooted everything (computer, modem, router)

tested my connection to other sites and games (works fine, all your other pages load too)

So all I've managed to do so far is spend an hour spinning my wheels and jumping through the registration process 3 times (once for your main page, agian for your support page and again for these forums....)

I still just need my keyboard software.

This is the page that doesn't work:

Error messages:



Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage

What you can try:

It appears you are connected to the Internet, but you might want to try to reconnect to the Internet.

Most likely causes:

•You are not connected to the Internet.

•The website is encountering problems.

•There might be a typing error in the address.

I am connected to the internet (everything else works) and I'm not typing it wrong.

I've tried both versions: (which is what the keyboard instructions tell you to use)

And (which is what the above redirects you to, or what you find by browsing to downloads from the main site page)



The connection has timed out

The server at is taking too long to respond.

The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few moments.

If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network connection.

If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.

I can load other pages just fine, tested my network and no issues.

Firefox has permissions in my firewall and I'm not behind a proxy.

Song of reccharge

hello, I hope you are well,

I have a problem with my helmet corsair vengeance 2000 .il not load past me, so I no longer use it, I will want to know how to the warranty?

thank you to answer.

Profile Customization Addition Request

Was just thinking it would be kind of cool if you added what mouse, Keyboard, Mat, CPU Cooler and possibly headphones your using to the categories on the "PC Specs" drop down list :)

K95 RGB Music Equalizer Possible ?

Would a music equalizer visualization be possible to create ?

Roccat have this feature on their Ryos MK Pro keyboards as part of the SDK.

Can anyone mimic this RGB profile?

It's from when the keyboard was still plugged into my computer but my computer itself was off.

Here is the youtube link. It is something like the individual keys are all changing colors.


K70 RGB Heartbeat

This is a profile that I made, and was inspired by this thread.

Simply put, it beats like a heart, with a large red pulse, followed by a softer and dimmer red pulse (corresponding to the diastole and systole of a human heart).

Have fun!

Attached Files

File Type: prf Heartbeat.prf (178.4 KB)

Need help with M90

Okay so hi there and I hope some of you can help me.

I have had the M90 for around a year, recently I got a new computer. Didn't have any problems to begin with because I wasn't really using the mouse for gaming, however I have just gone back to playing World of Warcraft and I am having an impossible time trying to set up the extra buttons on the mouse.

I understand you need to set the buttons up via the memory reading thingy to corresponding keyboard buttons. I have used number 1-8, F1 etc. but none of these work. The game simply forgets them right after I have "key binded" in game. Also the normal DPI up/down buttons, I have changed to profile up/down but it wont change. I have even deleted Profile 1, and only have my WoW profile, saved to the M90, all buttons saved as numberpad keys, hardware playback enabled - but still it does not work.

The amount of hatred I have for this mouse and this company right now is unfathomable. I cannot understand how it used to work perfectly fine and now it will not. Horrible software that I could not even find to begin with! I thought I had lost the disc, but after downloading firmware for like 3 days, I finally stumbled upon the correct program.

TL;DR - How on earth do you get this terrible mouse/awful software to work?

H100i not detected in Win8

Hello, im having some issues with the H100i

Its brand new and installed today.

Problems start with fan detection. It doesnt and the BIOS gives warning and requests from me to fix it.

I disable the fan check and proceed with boot.

Installed the newest software but there is no hydro device in the list.

Furthermore, i cannot use the 3 stages through the Link software, since it does nothing whatever option i select (e.x. silent - performance).

I connected the cpu cable outlet to either CPU fan#1 or or CPU fan#2, probably on #1.

Usb cable is connected on motherboard.

Not sure if im forgetting something, please advice.

Thanx in advance.

Best Thermal Paste for H80?

I am using my H80 cooler on an Intel Core i7 970. I plan to upgrade to the new Haswell-E 5820K and will have to clean the existing paste with Arcticlean.

I have always used Arctic Silver 5 in the past. Is there anything better?

Also, do I just put a dollop of paste in the center of the block or lay down a thread?

Mute button change color when muted?

I have a K95 RGB, and it's tons of fun and nearly perfect.

There are a few more integrative things I'd like to see. One of which being a way to set the mute button to be a different color depending on the volume setting.

This could also be used in the media controls to show when playback is occurring, but that could get gross with detecting audio players I think.

If anyone has any ideas on how to accomplish anything here with the software we already have, I'd love to hear it.

H60 Pumpe rattert und CPU wird heiß

Hallo Corsair-Gemeinde,

ich habe ein Problem mit der im Juni 2014 über Amazon gekauften H60.

Seit gestern wird die CPU sehr heiß (80°) und aus der Pumpe kommen Rattergeräusche. Also vermute ich, daß die Pumpe eine Macke hat.

Ausserdem scheint auch noch Flüssigkeit ausgetreten zu sein (siehe Bild).

Normal ist das nicht, oder?

Falls doch, schade, denn ich war mit Produkten von Corsair bisher eigentlich immer sehr zufrieden.

Ein Ticket habe ich schon aufgemacht, und die "RMA approved"-Email auch schon erhalten. Bis (oder: wenn) Ersatz kommt, muß eben der Boxed-Kühler auf meinem FX-8350 vor sich hin lärmen...

Was meint Ihr dazu?

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cant drop fans below 500rpm

please allow me to do this

I don't care if they cut out, my pc is too loud for me to sleep with 4x pwm fans connected at 500rpm

I only ever download at night, so this uses minimal cpu usage, the pump will be able to keep the pc cool enough

H110 in 750 D

Hallo zusammen!

Habe schon ein wenig gegoogle jedoch leider nichts gefunden.

Ich habe heute mein 750D erhalten (echt nettes Gehäuse) und jetzt wollte ich meinen Rechner zusammenbauen.

Erstes Manko: bei der H110 ist der komplette Radiator verbogen -.- (der geht also wieder zurück und alles verzögert sich jetzt). aber das ist ein anderes Thema.

Ich habe die Maße trotzdem genommen und habe bemerkt, das die H110 eigentlich nicht auf die vorgesehene löcher die mit Gummiplatten bereits vorhanden sind passt.

Jedoch kann ich sie in andere öffnen reinschrauben -> ist das dann ok?! Im prinzipp hält sie dann ja, nur eben nicht bei den vorgesehen Löchern.

Danke für eine Antwort.

Tramp Stamp replacement...

Hello Corsair,

since you guys did get it that the new gaming logo realy was a bad idea i would like to know if its possible for the customers of your 200€ Keyboards to get a little Sails Logo replacement sticker via email from you guys...

please give us a replacement here... it realy is anying...

900D and airflow again


Just received my new 900d for new rig. Right now considering few options for ventialtiona nd could use some advice.

In new rig tehre will be:

x99-e ws, 5960x, 32GB ram g.skill ripjaw, 1 ssd and 4 titans reference coolers, ax1500i psu.

idea is to cool CPU with h100i right now, and waiting for evga hydrocooper editions of newer 980 or titan 2 later on to consider separate custom loop for GPUs only. For now these will be simply air cooled, room is nicely air conditioned with around 23 degrees C.

i do plan to replace front intake fans with noctua nf-f12 pwn a bit later for now will stay stock ones,

and hdd bay in front of middle fan is removed.

back exhaust fan will also be replaced with noctua nf-a14 pwn,

and replacing 2 stock fans on h100i with nf-f12 pwn as well as adding 3rd one beside radiator, and considering 4th but not sure how much effect will it have.

I do have to have fans on top of radiators, in case they pul in air and push over radiator from outside in I can easily clean filters on top, and in case of pulling air from inside over radiator and pushing out it is a bit easier to clean lower side of radiator from some dust if it goes into after all other case filters.

So far I haev 3 versions and considering which one would be best.

Also to point rig will be used for both gaming and GPU 3d rendering so most of heat will come from GPUs, not much from CPU but still fair amount.

Thanks for any tips and tricks, comments and crits

K70 RGB Freezing Issues

So I've had my K70 RGB for a fortnight now, I figured it might just be a firmware issue but after updating its still happening.

The Issue

So after about a day or so of regular use (sometimes less) the lighting will all stop moving, this includes the Caps, Scroll and Num lock indicators. I can't switch profiles and in the settings on CUE status is labeled as Malfunction.

Edit 1: Also, my media keys don't work.

To revert this I either have to unplug the keyboard and/or restart the software. (95% of the time I'll have to unplug it regardless).

I've seen lots of other threads about the K65/K95 but none about the K70 doing this, am I the only one experiencing this?

For reference, I've got the keyboard-labeled USB in a USB 3.0 port and the other one hanging.

CUE Software: 1.1.48

Firmware Version: 1.12

Bootloader Version: 0.09

Hope there's a fix for this, cause I love this keyboard.

Corsair K95 LED Dying

It has been 8 days since I got this keyboard and already 6 LEDs have died. I contacted amazon and I am going to be replacing the product with a new K95. I chose K95 as my first mech and I am very disappointed. I hope the new one doesn't have LED problems. Is there a way to avoid this problem?

K65 freezing and locking up

My k65 is randomly freezing and ripple effect stops working but continues to work ok.

or ripple effect randomly stops mid animation and keyboard completely locks up

then corsair software shows a red exclamation point next to ther keyboard icon.

need to know if this is software related and will be fix or if i should get exchange my keyboard

Performance 3 Series P3-256 SSD Dead?

Hi there

I someone would be so kind as to give me some assistance I'd much appreciate it.

I have had the above drive without any problems until last week. A few programs I tried loading were started to come up with an ntdll.dll error. I rebooted then got the BSOD stating a wimFsF.sys error and the system freezes.

Luckily I back up my system regularly so have an image of the drive around a week before it died so I thought I would format the drive and re-install windows. I managed to clean the drive but now I am unable to set a partition or put windows back onto it.

The drive is recognised in BIOS and in the corsair toolbox but unfortunately I just can't do anything with it. I have tried to do a secure format and I get a cylindrical error message come up. When I try to re-install windows there is no drive listed and on a rare occasion it found it another error came up with the install and it gave up.

The toolbox states the flash is up to date so really have no idea what to try next. I'm guessing there is damage sectors/blocks which is stopping it from doing what I ask.

Is the drive dead or is there a way I can get to put windows again?

Any help will be great.

Many thanks

Connect 3-pin fan directly to corsair rm850

I'd like to connect my CPU water cooler pump directly to the PSU. does this one come with a PSU to 3-pin fan connector: corsair rm850?

Commander mini to Greece

Hello :)

I want to buy the commander mini to Greece but i can't find it nowhere, the corsair shop doesn't send to Greece.. can you help me?

Old and new K70 models: Can the front plates be exchanged?

I wonder, can the aluminum front plate of the older K70 single-color LED keyboard model be used with the newer RGB model? I really liked the silver finish and I would also get the old logo back. So, are the plates compatible with each other and can they be changed without breaking anything? And will there be an official silver RGB model?

lundi 29 septembre 2014

K70 blue led w/ blue switches?

Anybody know if they will release this with blue switches? I'd love to buy one

H80i bei Schlauchanschluss undicht

Hallo liebes Forum.

Hab seit Feb. 2014 eine H80i in meinem Rechner verbaut.

Bin sehr zufrieden mit dieser Kühlung, leider ist sie seit heute undicht.

Zum Glück ist die Kühlflüssigkeit nur auf das Netzteil getropft und nicht auf die GraKa.

Es sind bei allen vier Anschlüssen Risse in den Schlauchtüllen.

Anbei einige Fotos.

Wie soll ich wegen einem Umtausch auf eine neue Kühlung vorgehen?

Ist ja hoffentlich Garantie.

Beim Händler melden wo ich sie gekauft habe, oder direkt Kontakt mit Corsair aufnehmen.

Habe bisher keine Erfahrung mit Garantieansprüchen.

Vielleicht hat hier der eine oder andere schon so einen Fall gehabt.

Danke im voraus.

LG aus Salzburg


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Hi Everybody!


Just joined today and wanted to say hi. I'm a first time computer builder and already have a question. I know.. not here. I just wanted to say hi,to get my feet wet. (so to speak) First time posting too. Good luck to all of you.

K95 RGB Yellow with blue wave and green ripple

Here is another I did inspired by the animation at the top of this forum page. :)

I will upload the profile if I can trim it down some.

Just why?

I just received my new K65 compact keyboard and I really like it but, why did corsair give it such a short cable? it just makes a great keyboard kinda bad.

the video on new egg has the lady holding up the cable and say it's 5 feet long. Wrong, I measured mine and it's under 4 foot. did corsair think everyone has their gaming tower in their lap? now my very neat and clean desk has a black cable laying across it pulled very tight due to this short cable, all my other cables are all neat and wrapped and can't be seen.

I found usb cable extensions on new egg but will it interfere with the performance on the keyboard? and I shouldn't have to buy another product to make my brand new product function correctly in the first place.

and please no smart ***** remarks as I am just giving my opinion on the product.

M65 RGB Mouse no profile until CUE loads

If I don't start the CUE software I can't change the DPI on my M65 RGB mouse and the scroll wheel and logo light don't turn on. I have firmware 1.13 and the profile is saved to the device memory. Is this how it's supposed to work? I was hoping that I could setup my profile, save it to the mouse and then uninstall the CUE software.

K65 RGB Help importing profiles

I've tried to import 3 different profiles for my k65 already, and every single one of them just activates the default mode. The lighting panel is also completely blank every time with no default effects listed at all and no pre-set key groupings. Am I doing something wrong, or is it just currently some limitation that I can only use profiles specifically made for my board?

Nebraska Huskers Profile

Hey guys, I just wanted to repost this time with a video so you can see what it does before you download. Anyways this is a Nebraska football theme that has a simple typing effect. Let me know if you guys like it.


Attached Files

File Type: prf Husker.prf (154.4 KB)

K65 Green lighting with multicolor ripple

Did not exactly do a rainbow, just a mix of colors i thought would look good.

Attached Files

File Type: zip Green multicolor (4.4 KB)

Linus got a new Corsair Tattoo


Any k65 profiles out there yet?

Please post any k65 profiles that have been made here, would be stellar if there was a sticky for each keyboard model and their respective profiles.

Love the keyboard, but.....

...I am sending it back. While it is a joy to use once the computer is on, there in lies the problem. Having it hang on startup and having to do a hard reboot of my system everytime just just is getting old.

Waited for the new software and firmware update, but unfortunately that did nothing for me, and since my month is coming to a close to return it to Amazon, I am sending it back and will wait a while and observe from afar before possibly picking it up again. Loved it, just wish it did not bugger with my computer on startup. Oh well, maybe next time. ;): :p:

Help creating an AFK timer?

Hello all, I have a K70 RGB that I'm enjoying now, but I would like to add a way for the keyboard to start a rainbow "breathe" after 10 mins of inactivity.

I assumed the best way to do this would be with a Timer, but I cannot seem to activate it.

Any help is appreciated.

K65 Can't change profile or Lighting

So about 15 minutes ago i was setting my windows key disable button to switch profile. When I got it i hit it and it switched profiles. However, now when I try to switch to any profile the lighting still stays the same. It is red with white WASD and arrow keys. There are several problems that need to be fixed with the software, it is just terrible. Anyone know how to fix this?

Corsair gets exclusive Cherry contract and then ostracizes 2/3 OS's

I realize that this is my second post on this topic, but a friend of mine noted something interesting about Corsair's support of Linux/OSX.

Corsair negotiated an exclusive contract with Cherry for their RGB switches. They then proceeded to not support 2 of the 3 major OS's.

This means that the two major competitors who are releasing RGB keyboards at this time were both forced to develop their own keyswitches or use knockoffs. One of those competitors FULLY supports OSX.

Essentially what Corsair has done has told OSX and Linux users who want a Cherry keyswitch-based RGB keyboard to take a walk in the park. They themselves chose to not support OSX/Linux, but they also took away the ability for competitors to support OSX/Linux users with a Cherry RGB keyboard. It's really quite insulting.

Corsair, please release an official statement as to why you are choosing to not support the entire market despite having taken the market's ability to compete away and ostracized OSX and Linux users.

No fans detected after update.

Just updated from 2.5.5145 to 2.7.5339 and now my fans are gone. Also updated the FW on my cooling node from 1.2.5 to 1.2.8 and still no success.

Version 2.5.5145 used to work pretty well until it started saying that all my fans were on 0 RPM, that's also why I updated now.

Any ideas on how to fix this?

M95 Problem

Hey folks,

This is my first post, so if I screwed something up, I'm terrible sorry!

My problem:

1. I'm in-game holding down one of the side buttons AND right click at the same time.

2. A spell continuously casts (side button) and I can look around (right click).

3. When I release the side button, the spell stops casting (which is good), but the right click also stops.

So when ever I cycle through my ability bar in-game, I have to manually right click every single time. So every time I cast an ability I lose control of my vision, because right click is no longer pressed (even though it is physically pressed).

Is there any way to fix this? I would love to keep right click pressed down in-game while casting several abilities in a row.

Please help me, I just spent a lot of money on this mouse and I really like it.

Thanks guys.

K70 RGB Firestorm

Re-Post from the competition thread, figured you might want it here too :greengrin

Name: Firestorm

Description: A base glow on the bottom two rows with oddly timed groups to give a fire kind of look.


Hope you like it!

Attached Files

File Type: prf Firestorm.prf (330.9 KB)

K70 RGB Firestorm

First entry in week 2? Hell yea I will!

Name: Firestorm

Description: A base glow on the bottom two rows with oddly timed groups to give a fire kind of look.


Hope you like it!

Attached Files

File Type: prf Firestorm.prf (330.9 KB)

Sharing a computer and posting on the same forums

So me and my better half both got messages from technobeard a few minutes ago addressed to both of us having multiple accounts simply because we computer share.

Is this normal ? Are people no longer allowed to share their computers and post on the same forums without getting into trouble ?

If so then I can simply use my tablet to avoid any conflicts or does using the same broadband line also cause trouble ? I don't mean to sound sarcastic but I'm genuinely curious.

Dunno if Temps are normal with H100i

Hello there guys, just 2 days ago i builded my new PC..Specs are:

Case: Corsair Carbide 500R

Mobo:Asus Maximus VII Hero

Cpu: i7 4790K @4.00ghz

Cooling: H100i

Ram: Kingston HyperX Beast @ 2133mhz

Gpu: Not yet installed...(i ll get it these days prop)

HDisks:1 ssd 1 hdd

Well, i am a bit confused about the cpu temperatures..

IDLE: 32-35 C

100% Stress Test: 58-63 C

Are those temps normal for hydro cooling while the ambient temp is 19C and the case has awesome airflow? And last but not least i was experiment with Fans speed but i didnt saw big difference so i let it at Default settings..

Whats ur temps with H100i and what mode should i let the fans?

Thanks in advance :)

Anyone not updated their RGB K95 firmware ?

If anyone in the UK has not updated their firmware yet and all is working would you kindly backup your firmware from inside the CUE and upload it and post a link here please, Would be very much appreciated.

The older working firmware is prior to FW version 1.12.

Or maybe Corsair could do this as a temporary fix, Would take 2 minutes to do.

Need help with M90

Okay so hi there and I hope some of you can help me.

I have had the M90 for around a year, recently I got a new computer. Didn't have any problems to begin with because I wasn't really using the mouse for gaming, however I have just gone back to playing World of Warcraft and I am having an impossible time trying to set up the extra buttons on the mouse.

I understand you need to set the buttons up via the memory reading thingy to corresponding keyboard buttons. I have used number 1-8, F1 etc. but none of these work. The game simply forgets them right after I have "key binded" in game. Also the normal DPI up/down buttons, I have changed to profile up/down but it wont change. I have even deleted Profile 1, and only have my WoW profile, saved to the M90, all buttons saved as numberpad keys, hardware playback enabled - but still it does not work.

The amount of hatred I have for this mouse and this company right now is unfathomable. I cannot understand how it used to work perfectly fine and now it will not. Horrible software that I could not even find to begin with! I thought I had lost the disc, but after downloading firmware for like 3 days, I finally stumbled upon the correct program.

TL;DR - How on earth do you get this terrible mouse/awful software to work?

Has anyone considered drilling holes in the switches to increase the brightness?

Particularly at the top where the LED is under the housing? Just a small drill bit or something would do I think.

H100i issue, LED blinking white

Hey guys. Have a quick question. I have the H100i installed and it is working great. I can see it in the Corsair link software. The only issue I have now is I am unable to change the LED from a blinking white. I am on firmware 1.05, read a few places that updating firmware when you aren't having issues can brick it. I don't care about being able to change the led but just want to make sure this is not a problem. Should I upgrade to 1.07 firmware? Thanks for your help.

RGB K95/K70 Reviews and issues

I've seen a lot of reviews regarding the new MX RGB keyboards that Corsair have released about LEDs dead on arrival, software being choppy and very little positive reviews. Is there anything Corsair personally has to say about this?

I ordered an RGB K95 (from eBuyer in a UK location) and was surprised to receive it quite quickly, but I too had a few LEDs dead on arrival and the software even goes as bad as freezing other software (such as Steam on the occasion). I understand it's a new keyboard but are Corsair actually putting their best efforts into fixing such issues?

I'm also curious as to how long warranty lasts. I'm probably going to be making a ton of RMAs even if a single LED goes out (especially for a premium cost keyboard) :eyebuldge

Have the K95's shipped out?

Has anyone gotten their orders yet? I heard there might be a shipping delay from corsair to amazon/newegg. Do you guys have any information on that? I sent a message to an amazon rep, but considering I haven't gotten shipping confirmation, I'm starting to get a bit doubtful. Below is the transcript between me and the amazon rep.

I originally ordered from Newegg, but changed to amazon once I saw the Dec 31st date. The order still hasn't shipped but I hope Karren at Amazon knew what she was talking about.


Here's a copy of the chat transcript you requested:

Initial Question: Status says it is not being prepared to ship?

12:28 PM PDT Karren(Amazon): Hello Taylor, my name is Karren. I'll certainly try to help regarding your concern.

12:29 PM PDT Karren(Amazon): I understand you want to check the status of your order.

12:29 PM PDT ---------------: My question is, did I miss out on the first batch being sent out?

12:29 PM PDT Karren(Amazon): You don't have to worry, you've got the perfect person to help you with this!

May I have the order number please.

12:30 PM PDT ---------------: ------------------

12:30 PM PDT Karren(Amazon): Thank you.

Are you referring to this item

Corsair Gaming K95 RGB LED Mechanical Gaming Keyboard?

12:30 PM PDT ---------------: yes

12:32 PM PDT Karren(Amazon): Upon checking here, the Estimated Delivery Date of this item is on Wednesday, October 1, 2014 - Saturday, October 4, 2014.

12:34 PM PDT Karren(Amazon): Are we still connected Taylor?

12:34 PM PDT ---------------: yes, one second please

12:35 PM PDT Karren(Amazon): Okay, no problem.

12:35 PM PDT ---------------: That is what the website says, but the website is automated and sometimes is incorrect. Is there any more assurance I can get beyond the status on the "my orders" page?

12:36 PM PDT Karren(Amazon): I assure you that you will received the item latest on Saturday, October 4, 2014

12:37 PM PDT ---------------: Ok Karren, I appreciate your confidence!

12:37 PM PDT Karren(Amazon): And please don't worry, I will create a personal follow-up.

12:37 PM PDT ---------------: Thank you Karren, you have a nice day.

12:37 PM PDT Karren(Amazon): Was I able to address all of your concerns? I just want to make sure you feel happy with the service you received today.

12:37 PM PDT ---------------: Yes, you have

12:38 PM PDT Karren(Amazon): Would there be anything else I may assist you further?

The pleasure is always mine to assist a valued customer like you Taylor.

12:38 PM PDT ---------------: Nope, that is everything.

12:38 PM PDT Karren(Amazon): Thank you for contacting

Also, this is my current status page

RGB K95, lock, light and m1-3 cant change colour

When I plugged in the RGB K95 all the lights were red and as soon as I installed the software the M1, M2, M3, Windows lock and brightness keys turned white and I can't change them back or to any other colour.

I've tried uninstalling the software, Plugging into a different computer, Using USB 2.0 and the single USB 3.0 port and nothing works.


Ok never mind you have to right click on each button and click on "Edit Light" to change the colour.

Now hurry up with the proper EU firmware updates please :):

K95 RGB Cherry MX Blue - Auch mit deutschem Layout?


ich gedenke in naher Zukunft mir eine K95 RGB zuzulegen, da meine Logitech G11 langsam auseinanderfällt. Da ich viel schreibe, programmiere und nur sehr ungerne meine Makrobuttons missen würde, wäre die oben genannte Variante die momentan beste Lösung. Bei Geizhals und sonstigen Quellen finde ich ausschließlich die K95 RGB MX Red mit deutschem Layout, die Varianten mit Blue/Brown Switches ausschließlich mit US-Layout ( oder UK-Layout.

Ist eine Markteinführung mit den Blues geplant in naher Zukunft (bis Ende des laufenden Jahres) oder wird Deutschland nur mit der Red-Konfiguartion beliefert?

Eine andere Möglichkeit wäre natürlich eine UK-Version und diese auf deutsches Layout umstellen, allerdings nicht die schönste Lösung. Alternativ natürlich auch K70, allerdings wären die Makrobuttons für mich von Vorteil.

K70 RGB wird als K95 RGB erkannt

Hallo Forum.

Ich habe heute meine K70 RGB (Brown Switches) bekommen.

Als ich den Treiber installiert habe und die Software gestartet hat, hat er im Windows und in der Corsair Utility Engine angezeigt, dass ich eine K95 RGB nutze.

Ich kann grad keine Wave Effekte o.ä. einstellen da es bei mir buggt. Ziemlich ärgerlich..

Hat jemand das gleiche Problem gehabt? Ich hab das nur noch einmal im US Forum gesehen.

Falls ja hat es schon irgendwer zum laufen gebracht?

Freue mich über Hilfe.

Vielen Dank

[Q] 750D w/ H110, and using 3rd top fan

I'm still in the process of doing research for a new PC, but it's a definite that I want to go with the Corsair 750D and the H110 water-cooler.

For people that have either used this combination before or know enough about it: Is the other 3rd 120mm slot for a fan on the top of the rig still accessible with this case/cooler setup? I haven't been able to find this answer anywhere in my own research.

This is my first post, but I'm looking forward to contributing to these forums.

Corsair Grpahite 760T with MB Asus V Formula-Z


I have a tower Corsair Graphite 760T Black Edition with a Corsair power supply AT860. The motherboard I have is a Asus V Formula-Z.

I have noticed that tha case has 4 Inputs that come from the chassis fans and the front panel (I guess...):

The motherboard has many of 3-pins power inputs to connect the fans:

As you can see in the pictures I can't connect these connectors beetwen them. I would like to have the front panel fans speed available so...

.- Can I connect the tower inpunts directly to the power supply and use the fan speed button of tha case?

.- I would like to have the fans connected to the mainboard to have more info about the (basically rpm control). Has corsair som kind of adaptor to connect them or should I look for asus?

Thanks for you help ;)

Could We Have Separate K70 And K95 Profile Sections Please ?

I think it would make it a hell of a lot more orderly if we had separate K70 and K95 profile sections.

Just food for thought :):

K70 RGB -- Media Tasten funktionieren nicht und Lichteinstellungen

Hallo zusammen

Meine Fragen sind wahrscheinlich ziemlich doof. Ich finde jedoch einfach keine Lösung :(

Habe zwei Probleme.

1. Keine meiner Media Tasten funktioniert, auch die WIN-LOCK taste, die Helligkeitstaste und die Lautstärkewalze. Solange ich die Utility Software nicht installiert habe funktioniert wenigsten die Helligkeitstaste.

2. Damit komm ich schon zu meinem zweiten Problem. Irgendwie haben nämlich alle anderen tasten auf dem Keyboard die Funktion übernommen die Helligkeit zu regulieren. Egal auf welche taste ich drücke es verstellt immer die Stärke des Lichts. Wenn ich einer taste eine andere Funktion gebe wie zum Beispiel das sie das Teamspeak starten soll. Hört sie auf das Licht zu regulieren bei jeden antippen.

Bitte um hilfe...

Sorry für die schlechte Rechtschreibung :S

k95 Driver

Hey all,

I am looking for a driver for my k95 keyboard anyone know where I can find one? has corsair closed shop? main support url is down :(

any help please much appreciated

UK RGB K95 Can't select UK layout, Only USA.

In the settings tab there is no option for UK layout, Only North America, China and Taiwan which in turn means some of the keys don't light up as they don't show up on CUE, According to other reports people have flashed their RGB's with the latest firmware and can only select North America etc... and not German layout, UK layout etc...

Can we get someone from Corsair to look at this and fix it ASAP.

CX750M and MSI Z97 MPower MAX AC

Hi guys,

I have this PSU (CX750M) and I plan to buy MSI Z97 MPower MAX AC. What my issue is, it has additional CPU power sockets at the top. Is this PSU going to fit this right? I won't OC my CPU but honestly I have no clue whether should it be connected or not, and IF: what cable?


Any Dead/Broken LED's Yet For Anyone ?

Thought it would be a good idea to maybe start a tally to comparing the new RGB's against the older K70/K90/95.

I went through 3 x K95's in s short span of 4 months due to random dead LED's and my first 1 arrived with 2 dead LED's.

Ok so my RGB K95 arrived 20 minutes ago, It's epic, No dead or broken LED's so far.

who does NOT have problems with their new RGB keyboards?

it would be helpful if the users without problems can post their process list and computer specifications so the ones with problems can cross reference and at least try to avoid having the malfunctions until corsair comes out with a fix.

or do we already know which software conflicts with the keyboard?

just a suggestion

dimanche 28 septembre 2014

K65 RGB and N-key rollover

My K65 RGB doesn't appear to have functioning n-key rollover. if i am using wasd plus shift for running in game then hit FN + play for media controls it doesn't work. if i stop pressing shift or any of the wasd keys then it registers.

Using USB 3.0


Case Cooling Layout w/H80i

I am planning a build with the Corsair H80i, and I've heard many things about "push vs pull" and stuff like that. I have no knowledge of this stuff and if someone could help me out that would be great. Basically what my question is what is the ideal fan placements with an H80i, should I have top fans mounted? Should they be exhausting or pulling? Which fan direction is pulling or exhausting?

First post ever..

H80i + 3770k High temps in idle

Hello everyone,

This is my first post on corsair forums and i am kinda new to this, so excuse my mistakes and language :)

As the title says, i am having some problems with my temps.

Last Xmass my brother got me an H80i and I installed it on my I7 3770k. For the past months it worked perfectly with the CPU OC at 4.4Mhz. Few days ago after a 3 days of non use of my PC, i booted up my PC and suddently Core temp and Corsair Link showed me really high temperatures in idle, around 55-65C. I started gaming a little bit and the temperature went up 90-95 degrees (Celsius). I immediately turned off my computer and start working on it.

After reading many articles of same type of problem, i tried all solutions i could find on the internet,i reinstalled H80i from scratch and applied all the things i've read on the web 1 by 1 and nothing worked.

I have an Asrock Z77 Extreme4, so i used washers on the blackplate, i used arctic MX-4 (a small pea sized in middle), i've cleaned my cpu and h80i everytime after an reinstall with arcticlean solution or with isopropyl alcohol ( tried both ), tightened the screws of the H80i as hard as i can, moved the 3pin of the pump , etc.

Anyway, i don't know exactly what more info i can give but as a sum up, on my non-oc i7 3770k i have idle temps from 55-65C, if i start gaming or start loading the cpu the temp will go up to around 85-95C, if i start a prime95 it can reach 100C, i've put the stock coolers from H80i to quiet mode so i can hear the pump, tbh i didn't really hear anything, but i've touched the tubes and lets say i felt some vibrations so i guess the water is passing but, one tube is cold and the other is hot. I use a push/pull setup ( pulling air from inside/ pushing air outside of case) and the air that comes out of the case is ... kinda really cold. As the ambient temp, is around 23C. And btw, my coolant temp ( H80i Temp 1 in corsair link) it's around 50-56C.

So yeah, can you guys pls help me with this. What can i do to try to fix it ? I feel like i tried everythng and nothing it's working.

Thank you in advance for your time and help.


Attached Images

File Type: jpg H80i high temps.JPG (78.7 KB)

Automatic Profile Changing Not Working

I've been messing around with profiles for awhile now, and I finally got some set up for various games. I set the profiles up to switch when I open these games, but when I open up a game it switches to that profile for half a second and then goes back to the default profile. This happens in CS GO and BF3/4, but doesn't happen for applications like Chrome and Steam. No matter what I do it just automatically goes back to default. This is probably the most annoying peripheral control program I've ever used.

K95 RGB Profiles

Since there seem to be many K70 profiles in the area, which will not work with the K95, I thought I would start a thread for them.

I will start my attaching my profile. This one contains several modes.

The default is a mix of Greens with the WASD and Arrow keys in white. At key press there is a blue wave that travels from left to right on the keyboard.

There is another that uses a rainbow effect that one of our fellow K70 users posted.

I will try to upload a video or GIF later.

Here is the YouTube video:


Attachment 19234

Edit: I had to attach a zip file. Apparently my profile exceeds the 1 MB limit. Is due to the many effects or are K95 files just bigger?

Attached Files

File Type: zip Green w Blue (64.8 KB)

K95 RGB: Failed Firmware Update

Hello, I am trying to install the Firmware Update to my new K95 RGB.

It gets to 3% and then will say it has failed. I am unable to edit my profiles tab due to this, all help would be appreciated

780T Top Radiator Fittment

I plan on downsizing and updating my current 900D build into a 780T. I would like to fit a 240 rad in the bottom and a 360 in the top with a single set of fans on the outside of the case under the mesh filter. My issue is that I still use optical disc drives for achiving purposes, two to be exact. So I essentially need both bays for ODDs.

Will a 40MM thick radiator fit in the top with both ODD bays being occupied?

If anyone has any info on this issue it would be greatly appreciated!

Easy to make/get sticker logo cover up for RGB K65, K70 and K90?

Bascially as the title states. I'm either going to try to make one myself or see if anyone else has made any yet.

Preferably the sticker looks something like that.... maybe less black background.

Either way, can someone measure me up the dimensions of the current logo in millimeters?

Thanks, also feel free to post any other thoughts or ideas that may be helpful.

Whoops, K95... not K90...

Possible to copy colors from profile to...

HI. I did a search and read the manual. Did not find the info.

Just learning how to use the KB. I've updated everything, so far all is working well.

My Question: I love the megarainbow setup. However, I just want to at times just have the color layout solid.

Is it possible to copy the color layout from megarainbow, to a new profile I made with just the colors and static, no movement.

IE can I copy the keyboard colors from megarainbow, to a blank profile keyboard; and have the rainbow colors show up.

Otherwise, I guess I would have to recreate the gradient with those colors?

Thanks for any insight. Learning curve for me.



Titanfall Profile

I wanted to make a Titanfall themed profile. Check it out here.

Sorry not the best video.

Attached Files

File Type: prf Titanfall.prf (367.3 KB)

Cue Software Idea

I have a few thoughts on this software. Specifically having a review option for the lighting effects. Currently you have to go through and manually add and delete these effects. With the importing of profiles you tend to get a lot of different effects and are not sure what they are since some are not clear or labeled well.

I wonder if there could be an easier way to view the lighting effects either in real time on the keyboard or in some sort of software simulation.

RGB K70 Profile With The RGB K95 ?

Would a K70 RGB profile work with an RGB K95 by chance or would it be a tad buggy ?

Corsair H105 Standoffs stuck in backplate

I saw a similar thread to this one after doing some searching, but that thread didn't help me sort out this problem.

Pretty much what happened was when I first installed the cooler, a few of the standoffs stripped and the thumbscrews wouldn't go on. I then removed the pump and three of the standoffs are stuck to the backplate.

I tried using pliers to hold the backplate while I use a hex socket screwdriver head on it. I even tried sticking the lga 1366 screws in the back of the backplate then using pliers to hold it while using the hex socket on the front standoff. Nothing works--the standoffs just continue to spin on the backplate.

I contacted Corsair and they sent me a replacement bracket kit no problem, in which I'm very grateful for.

Just kind of desperate now and not sure how I'm going to deal with this problem before the replacement kit gets here. Really want to avoid having to take the mobo in to get this sorted.

Any ideas how I can remove them?

Corsair Vengeance 2100 turns off sometimes while charging

I've been charging the headset in the power USB port (The orange one that is supposed to output more volts, if I'm right?) and haven't experienced any issues until now.

Just today I started charging my headset and used it while it was charging, when out of sudden I hear this strange "bzzz" sound and the headset turns off. I turned it back on and continued, until just recently when I started watching YouTube video, it did the same again.

Any ideas what can be causing this? Is it typical issue with Vengeance 2100?

Will there be an RGB M95 ?

Would like to get an RGB M95 to go along with my RGB K95, Is this in the works by chance ?

K70 RGB, volume/mute don't work

Hi guys, I purchased the k70 rgb keyboard right when it came out from amazon. Everything worked when I first got it, and I played around with software and also downloaded other people's profiles as well.

Suddently yesterday when I wanted to turn my volume up when gaming, I realized it wasn't working. Then I noticed all of the top right buttons don't work. Such as the mute/volume wheel/ media buttons (never really used them).

THe birghtness one works if I hold it down long enough .

I have tried unplugging, updating, restarting pc/software, and I've also tried to reassign mute button to mute again. Nothing works so far but mute and volume wheel used to work when I first got it, so I dont know what happened.

Is this an issue of software or defective, can anyone help me.

+ ROAD TRIP BENCH REPORT: Rocky Mountains, Summer 2014, Part 1...!! +

.prf and .mode

I bought a k70 RGB and i tried to add some light configs but the aplication needs a .mode, everyone on the forum is uploading ".rpf". How can i change it or download ".mode" profiles?

K70 RGB Audio Drivers/Amount of Drivers

First my setup - I use HDMI and the Nvidia HD Audio drivers to send audio to a SONY 7.2 channel receiver.

I have now noticed that my receiver will not receive an audio stream until the CUE software is started. (which is also needed to start the keyboard) I believe this may be due to the multimedia controls on the keyboard but I can't be sure. It sounds small but can be a pretty big inconvenience at times. Is there a fix for this?

I also noticed there are a large number devices installed in my Device Manager. I only have the new K70 and M65 plugged in and my Human Interface Devices has 16 entries, Keyboards has 4 and Mice has 4. Is this normal?

Another note: My audio and network drivers used to load instantaneously with Windows but now both take about 5-10 seconds after Windows logs in. The audio may be because of the multimedia on the keyboard but the network seems very odd.


Maximus V Gene OC

So muß das laufen.


Hallo zusammen

Ich habe folgendes problem wenn ich mein ram auf 2133 mhz im bios umstelle und mein PC neustarte sagt mein BIOS das das Overclocking fehlgeschlagen sei was muss ich machen damit mein ram nun auf der entsprechenden geschwindigkeit läuft.

Vielen dank im vorraus:)

DDR4, is it safe to use the XMP #2 profile at 1.35V?

As title.

I bought vengeance lpx 2800MHz cas 16.

this ram has two XMP profile, the #1 that is 2800MHz 1.2v and the #2 that is 3000MHz at 1.35V.

is it safe for long term reliability to run this ram using the second XMP profile at 1.35 if they are stable?

H100i fan noise please help

So I got my h100i about 6 months ago. The machine was working great, but then I decided to get sp120 quiet editions. Then I started hearing this sound when I ramped up the fans: and I do not know what to do. I switched back the regular h100i fans and noticed it there too. I have tried reinstalling windows and plugging the fans in to the motherboard, but the sound remains. Please help. Thank you.

I do not want to RMA.

Fresh Profiles

Hello, I bought the K95 RGB yesterday and whenever I create a new profile it always inherits the old profiles.

So if I was to create a profile called "CS:GO" it would also bring the M1: M2: and M3: Profiles with it...

Is there anyway to delete these so I can create my own?


Help with K70 RGB lighting

Well I just got my K70 RGB keyboard. I have downloaded the software and looked it over. The problem I have is that I cannot change the lighting no matter what. I have tried different profiles, my own and other peoples, but my keyboard just stays blank. When I close the Utility Engine, the keyboard turns red with the white w a s d keys and arrows. Plz help

Corsair 760T USB 3.0 Header wire

have a z97 Hero VII and want to plug in my Corsair k95 motherboard to the FRONT USB header and use the USB pass-through on the keyboard for my Corsair M95 mouse. I currently use a Corsair 600T Case but will be switching to a 760T. I was able to accomplish this with my old Asus z87-A motherboard with no issues, but on this motherboard I hear the computer recognize that something has been plugged in but there seems to not be enough power on these front ports to power the mouse through the USB pass-through.

The new Corsair 760T comes with a USB 3.0 header that plugs directly into the motherboard, whereas the 600T has a pass-through cable. Since USB 3.0 is supposed to offer more voltage, do you think this will solve my issue when I get the new case and plug the keyboard into the front USB 3.0 using the connector directly to the motherboard?

- I have tried all the USB 2.0 and the one 3.0 ports on the front for the pass-through with no success.

- I have used a USB cable from the back to connect to the USB 3.0 cable on the front, still with no success.

- If I use the USB ports on the back, it works just fine.

- Yes I kinda need this to work in this configuration due to how my system is laid out.

Finally, if there is no way to turn up the USB voltage, would a powered USB hub be a reasonable solution? I say powered because I'm suspecting a normal USB hub would have similar issues, even if plugged into the back.

Does the H110 fit at the top of the 450D case?

Getting very mixed results in Google. Could anyone confirm if it fits?

Plz help

Is there a way i can make it that when i push a key it changes color

Question about HX850I Fan!

Hi all,

I've recently purchased the Corsair HX850I and it runs beautifully but upon checking the fan speed while under load it stays at 0 rpm and the PSU runs imo rather hot at 50-60c.

When i change the fan to fixed in Corsair link it starts spinning and cooling the psu... is there something wrong? or is there something i need to do in order for it to start cooling automaticly?

btw: My system under load pulls 300-400w

Hope someone can help me :) greetz

LSU profile. First one.

I made a profile, wondering how you get a continuous wave. Mine won't do it the way I want, it will cut it off at some point, unless I let it finish its course.

Attached Files

File Type: prf LSU TIGERS.prf (369.9 KB)

Nebraska Cornhusker Profile

Hey guys, this is just a simple profile with some typing effects added in for all you husker fans! Enjoy and Go Big Red!

Let me know if this exported correctly. Thanks.

Attached Files

File Type: prf Husker.prf (154.4 KB)

K70 reagiert nach Steam-Start nicht mehr


seit gestern bin ich ein "stolzer" Besitzer der K70 RGB Tastatur geworden. Und seitdem kämpfe ich nur noch Problemen damit. Einige konnte ich beheben aber das schlimmste ist mir nicht gelungen.

Jedesmal, wenn ich Steam starte, reagiert die Corsair Software nicht mehr. Die Tastatur hängt sich auf und nichts geht mehr. Wenn ich in die Einstellungen der Software komme, steht beim Status: Fehler. Ich muss dann den PC neustarten, damit es wieder funktioniert.

Das Problem haben nicht nur ich, sondern auch viele andere.

Ich weiß nicht, ob es daran liegt, dass die Tastatur so "frisch" auf den Markt gekommen ist, oder Corsair die Tastatur nicht richtig getestet hat. Für so viel Geld, ein No-Go.

Gibt es bereits irgendwelche Lösungsvorschläge?

K65 RGB Profiles Won't Automatically Change

Hey guys,

So I just got the K65 rgb today and it's awesome. The problem is I'm trying to set up profiles in CUE to change when specific programs launch, but they won't. I've tried it with Chrome, steam, CS GO, bf4, everything. I set the program link to say chrome.exe but when I launch it the profile doesn't change. Am I an idiot and doing something wrong or is this a glitch?

samedi 27 septembre 2014

How to use other profiles

Hello, can someone please explain to me how I have to use these .mode or .prf files?

I tried many times but every time I import a .prf file it shows me just 3 default themes named K95 RGB Default 1,2 and 3.

What am I doing wrong?

Please help.

Corsair Gaming RGB K70 cherry red throwing debug codes and not working

I finished building my new computer yesterday, and thought today I would start learning the new keyboard I bought and making lighting profiles and such. I bought it so I could change the colors of it, when I wanted to. Everything worked fine, until I decided to download the utility program, then it went to hell. It wouldn't recognize the keyboard, although it was plugged in and working, so I updated the firmware. Then it recognized it, but the colors wouldn't change, even though they were changing on the onscreen keyboard in the program. Then I tried to restart the computer and got debug codes on my motherboard. Finally it reset, and just stayed on a blank screen with a little underscore flashing in the top left corner. I thought this piece of junk just broke my PC, after a couple minutes, the windows logo came up, and it went ahead and booted. Still, nothing changed once it booted. I restarted again, and same crap. I unplugged the keyboard, restarted, and debug problem went away, and the computer returned to normal operation. I still havn't plugged it back in. I also uninstalled the utility software before unplugging it, but that didn't change anything. $170 is ridiculous for this.

I also had problems with the Corsair link in the H100i I bought, had to change a couple values in USB registry for the software to recognize the pump and fans. This is just ridiculous to say the least.


Fractal Design Define R4 case

msi Z97 Gaming 5

intel i7-4790k

corsair h100i

corsair AX760 watt psu

samsung 840evo ssd 250gb

WD 7200rpm 1tb hdd

ASUS DVD drive

Windows 8.1 64bit

Logitech G500 mouse

Corsair K70 RGB cherry mx red (unplugged, using an old dell keyboard:evil:)

Slow Rainbow Wave with Burn Trail

Profile: Rainbow Wave

Description: A rainbow wave slowly moves across the keyboard, while the keys that are pressed leave a burn trail that starts out bright green and fades to orange and then black.

Video for Preview:

Attached Files

File Type: prf Randbow Wave.prf (362.7 KB)

REQUEST: Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 Keyboard Layout

Has anybody made a layout for Adobe Premiere Pro CS6? I do some video editing from time to time and I would love it if there was a lighting option that is tailored to this program :):

I do not currently own a Corsair K70 RGB, although if somebody created an RGB layout suited to this then it would definitely persuade me! :biggrin:

Hopefully there are a lot of other people on this forum who would find this useful if it has not been done already.

Ax 1200i self test.

When I self test the ax1200i the fan spins on it and the green led turns on, seems fine. I hold the button and five or so seconds later the psu fan spins slower than what it did initially. Is this normal?

Chrome color PROFILE

I've been bored to day, haven't really used the software much. so i decided to mess around and make a Chrome theme!

its themed after the chrome logo.

Reactive keys, when you press them they strobe white.

Probably not interesting to anyone but I thought I'd upload it.

Attached Files

File Type: prf Chrome.prf (489.1 KB)

The left side of my Vengeance 2000 is slightly quieter than the right.

This happened today. The left side of my headset is quieter than the right side. Without going into too much detail, after I cleaned my ear I noticed the other side is quieter. I then cleaned my second ear to see if that was the issue, and it wasn't. At this point I was worried that maybe I damaged my ear during cleaning, or I was going deaf in one ear without noticing, so I tried my brothers headset and it had perfectly balanced sound on both sides. I did some further experiments testing both headsets, and it seems to me that my headsets left side is indeed quieter.

I also tried googling the issue, and one of the suggestions was to shake it and listen for rattling inside. I tried this and I could hear a sound, best described as metal scraping against metal.

I bought the headset locally, my warranty has expired and I no longer have my receipt, so there is no chance of replacing it.

Is there a way to fix this, or is my headset dying?

Has anyone else experienced this?

EDIT: So I just tried putting on the headset the wrong way, so the left side is on my right ear and vice versa, and then the right side was quieter, basically narrowing it down to the headset.

Numbers are dim on K70 RGB

Hey everyone! I just got my K70 RGB with Brown switches today! Honestly, it's an amazing keyboard. The software is, of course, a bit tricky but I'm glad we have a profiles forum here so I can just download ones (currently using rainbow wave which looks crazy good!).

The one thing I wanted to ask about is that it looks like any key that has multiple symbols on it is dull at the bottom. For instance, all the numbers on top of the keyboard are dull where-as the symbol above them is lit up perfectly. Same with the Shift key, where "Shift" is lit up just fine but the arrow below it is dim.

Is this just standard from the way the LED's are mounted on the keyboard or should I RMA? If it's the mounting of the LED's, that's slightly disappointing as I'd love every single key to have equal brightness, but it's still an amazing keyboard even with this.

H80i + 4670k OC?

Hey everyone,

I made a thread a while back stating that my stock 4670k ran hot with my h80i but I remounted now and it seems to have fixed it. Before I would get 80C while just gaming and 40C idle. Now it idles still around 37-40C on the hottest core but only goes up to 60C while gaming. So I consider that a dramatic improvement. But I've seen people with overclocks that seem to get better temperatures so are my temperatures still on the higher side?

I tested the current state under Prime95 Small FFT and got 85C max (as opposed to 100C before). I want to OC to only 4.0 GHz but am still afraid to as I think my cpu is still running on the hotter side. So I was wondering if anyone can tell me what temps I should expect under a 4 ghz OC during gaming or when using Prime95 Small FFT?
