jeudi 30 octobre 2014

CUE Suggestions


I thought I'd share a few points that I think would help make CUE easier to work with.

#1 - Having the columns and the CUE window resizable would be great. Some colums are so narrow that you can barely see the text description.

#2 - The ability to dismiss and ignore the warning about setting a key to switch modes and not having it duplicated to all the modes in the profile. You already have to untick a field to acknowledge that's what you want. Just like the other warnings it should be possible to have it ignored.

#3 - The ability to have waves & ripples have a trigger frequency rather than a duration. As it stands you can have repeating waves as each new wave cancels the other.

#4 - Profile and mode exports should only contain the associated effects & macros.

#5 - Pick screen color should work outside of the CUE window, IE pick a color from a picture/icon, etc.

#6 - Have a way to prioritize foreground effects.

From reading the descriptions about the RGB series on what is the difference between foreground and background, it stipulates that you can manage 'multiple layers' to create any effect you can imagine. That is currently not accurate. In reality CUE seems to be the one to randomly decide which foreground effect will take precedence over another.

For example, I have modes which are cycling gradients applied throughout the entire keyboard. If I then set a wave effect to go 'over' the cycling gradient, each time I reboot, or change profile, the layering priority will change. Sometimes the wave will appear partially over the keys (over some groups and not others) sometimes it will 'meld' with the gradients, I can see the hue change slightly as the wave passes beneath the foreground effect.

#7 - Make it easy to downgrade firmware/CUE version if someone encounters an issue with a more recent version. For some obscure reason I cannot go back to the last 1.1.x update after having installed 1.2.x. After having uninstalled the latest version, if I install the old one I can never successfully launch Cue. Maybe having an archive of firmwares and Cue versions?

#8 - It would be great that the firmware package be named after the version that it represents. Currently all firmware packages were named 'K95RGB'.

#9 - Have a option for users to get access to release candidates of firmwares and CUE Software updates. This will allow us to experiment with pre-existent/complex profiles, and give you a heads up if any obvious issues come to light.

#10 - When setting a blinking effect using a solid alternating pattern, if it's used as a foreground at each cycle the background color will appear for a split second. It would be awesome if the foreground could cycle over the background color throughout.

#11 - Have the ability to create 'folders' to help sort Actions & Lighting effects. I use prefixes to help sort them at a glance, but the ability to create 'groups' would be a blessing for those who are overly ambitious with macros for mmos and the likes.

That's pretty much what comes to mind off the top of my head. I'll post more in here as time goes by.

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