jeudi 30 octobre 2014

H60 and Asus fan controll

Hello. I couldn't find answer anywhere in corsair forums, asus forums and just "google search study" added to confusion, hence I turn to you for help.

I connected my H60 to asus z97-a and all is working fine. Radiator fan is on cpu_fan header, pump is on cha_fan 1 header which is set to max in Fan Xpert 3. I knox Fan Xpert overrides settings from Qfan control from bios but just in case I went there to set fan 1 header for max too. From all I have read H60 pump needs stable 12v supply. I have found out that z97-a despite claming to have pwm, fan control actually regulates fans speed by voltage changes. Fan Xpert 3 has preset 4 profiles. I had to make my own where fan 1 is set on max. I can not use any other profile as it changes fan 1 (where pump is) to lower rpms. I have read that it is unhealthy for the pump to keep rpms jumping up and down (is that true?). I have 3 pin fan connected to cpu_opt header. It runs at max rpms all the time regardless of cpu_fan settings. Would it be safer to switch my pump to cpu_opt header? I am just don't trust Fan Xpert 3 as it doesn't even tell me what V is particular fan using. Also, since I have to set fan speed to maximum in order for that header to output 12V, pump connected to it runs at 4500 rpms (according to fan xpert 3 anyway) and is not loud or anything, it is fine. But I have read that h60 pump should be at 4000 - 4200 so I am 300 over top limit... or is it good and normal.

I hope anyone can give me a hand here, this is my first 100% done just by me build. I am also very proud of my cable management and so including a pic :)

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